
Corruption, It’s Bad

Corruption, It’s Bad

Having set off for Moscow after a dinner with friends, the hero awakens outside of Kolpino from an intolerable rocking. Seeing in front of him the windshield bespattered with vomit.

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‘We have not yet abandoned the citadels that the modernists established’

‘We have not yet abandoned the citadels that the modernists established’

In the tumultuous period that began in the late 1910s and ended in the late 1940s, poet-critics began to consolidate their cultural gains by making a durable place for literary modernism in the American social order.

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Residents of Reality

Residents of Reality

‘Postmodernity’ has a history. It came not from nowhere, but rather from ‘modernity,’ which in Europe historians have traditionally dated from the eighteenth-century French Enlightenment.

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Radical Britain

Radical Britain

It is an extraordinary feature of British politics that two years ago there was no revolutionary party in the mainstream, and today revolution is the only item on the menu.

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Lital Khaikin: To Justify Land #4

Lital Khaikin: To Justify Land #4

The incestuous entanglements of the Ontario Hydro One Board of Directors reflects the absurdity of the corporatized regime under which the earth continues to be exploited under the motivations of ‘economic prosperity’.

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Ed Simon: Second Twelve Observations about Goodness

Ed Simon: Second Twelve Observations about Goodness

by Ed Simon XIII. Blessed is he among all the saints, for spurned though he is, Judas Iscariot was the one who first set the world toward its redemption, with a kiss. For that loyalty to God, Christ was resurrected, but lamentable Judas must forever sit in the frozen...

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We Love Harder

We Love Harder

From Tangerine, Magnolia Pictures, 2015 From Evening Will Come: Our will to be is driven by our will to love ourselves and each other. I have never seen anything more revolutionary than the love that is shared between and among Black people. And what is possibilized through our love of...

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NYPL’s Missions

NYPL’s Missions

If you think of great libraries as archives of the human condition, maintained to preserve everything we’ve thought and done, then you’d figure Frederick Wiseman would eventually make a film about the New York Public Library.

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Watching the Tide Roll Away

Watching the Tide Roll Away

It is astonishing to realize what a relatively small percentage of Otis Redding’s time was devoted to making the records that preserve his art.

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In the sixth century, nearly six hundred years after Emperor Wu, “yuefu poetry” became an established literary category referring both to anonymous songs recorded in court music repertoires and poems composed by known men of letters.

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Most Were With Her

Most Were With Her

Clinton lost a race that few thought possible to lose. Her opponent was not Mitt Romney or John McCain or Marco Rubio but Donald J. Trump, a demonstrably crooked businessman.

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Elizabeth Bowen for the Pub Wall!

Elizabeth Bowen for the Pub Wall!

Iris Murdoch famously said that being a woman ‘is like being Irish … everyone says you’re important and nice, but you take second place all the time.’

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Buritaca to the Sea

Buritaca to the Sea

The Lost City sits atop the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, a spectacular snow-capped mountain at the foot of the Caribbean Sea

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‘Portugal’s radical left can claim credit for two main achievements since 2015’

‘Portugal’s radical left can claim credit for two main achievements since 2015’

Since the end of 2015, Portugal has been the scene of an unusual political drama. After failing to win a majority in parliament, the country’s long-established centre-left machine rejected the offer of a ‘grand coalition’ with its conservative rival to implement the demands of Brussels and Frankfurt.

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“It’s not always sex”

“It’s not always sex”

When Poppy talked about prostitution, she stopped slouching, and her eyes ignited. She got, well, pretty. ‘It’s not always sex,’ she said.

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Is Eileen Myles done with New York? Nope…

Is Eileen Myles done with New York? Nope…

Eileen Myles sits at a small café in the East Village, near the apartment they have called home for 40 years. Myles, who now prefers to use gender-neutral pronouns...

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Jessica Sequeira translates El Quijote

Jessica Sequeira translates El Quijote

Perhaps it seems obvious to you, dear reader, that a professor like myself, established in the academic world as a specialist in Spanish literature, would attempt a translation of a great work in the language.

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Kenneth Goldsmith: Is it all just wasted time (on the internet)?

Kenneth Goldsmith: Is it all just wasted time (on the internet)?

The notion that the Internet is bad for you seems premised on the idea that the Internet is one thing. In reality it’s a befuddling mix of the stupid...

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