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Deeplinks Blog

Defending Users in NAFTA 2.0: Who Are We Up Against?

After three rounds of negotiations, with a fourth coming up fast, we are still in the early days of NAFTA 2.0. In particular, the fight over copyright in NAFTA is just beginning, with the United States submitting its opening bid for the Intellectual Property chapter just last week. What does...

3 Bills Gov. Jerry Brown Should Sign Right Now

Each day, California Gov. Jerry Brown releases a list of 30-40 bills that he's signed—and those that he’s vetoed. When all is said and done, California likely will add more than 800 new laws to the books this year. And each day, EFF refreshes and refreshes the governor's press release...

Stop the Border Surveillance Bills

UPDATE: EFF also opposes H.R. 3548. Like S. 1757, it would expand border surveillance with biometric, drone, and ALPR technologies. The bill, styled the Border Security for America Act, was introduced by Rep. McCaul in July. EFF opposes a new federal bill that would dramatically expand dragnet biometric...
Stop SESTA: Woman Holds Phone with 230 Free Speech Icon

Sex Trafficking Experts Say SESTA Is the Wrong Solution

As Congress considers passing an Internet censorship bill in the name of fighting sex trafficking, groups that work closely with trafficking victims have been warning Congress that the bill could put trafficking victims in even more danger. It’s essential that lawmakers listen to those groups before passing a law that...

Live Blog: House Discusses Section 230
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-- 9:07 a.m.: The hearing ends on a positive note, with multiple members of the committee expressing a desire to address sex...


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