What We're Learning

We are committed to sharing the results of our grantmaking and the lessons we learn as we carry out our work. We believe it is important to evaluate and reflect regularly, study the findings of research and reports generated with our support, and communicate the results with those in the field and with the public.Read more about our learning philosophy

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What Works to Improve Secondary Education in Developing Countries

A literature review released by the Partnership to Strengthen Innovation and Practice in Secondary Education, supported by MacArthur, summarizes evidence on approaches to increasing participation, improving learning, and enhancing the relevance of secondary education in developing countries. More

Innovative Chicago ESL Program Improves Learning

An evaluation released by Instituto del Progresso Latino in Chicago shows that a model blending online learning with in-person support proved to be a viable option for high-impact distance learning in ESL and Adult Education. More

Tracking Progress Toward Sustainable Development Goals in U.S. Cities

A report from the Urban Institute examines the relevance of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to cities in the United States and identifies data sources that local leaders can use to track progress toward the goals in their cities. More

Study Points to Security Weaknesses in Online Voter Registration Systems

Online attackers can purchase enough personal information to alter online voter registration information in as many as 35 states and the District of Columbia, according to a report by the Harvard University Institute for Quantitative Social Science’s Data Privacy Lab. More

Assessing Justice Reform in Mexico

A MacArthur-supported report by the Instituto Mexicano de lose Derechos Humanos y Democracia, Centro de los Derechos Humanos Miguel Agustín Pro, and Universidad Iberoamericana analyzes 100 judicial sentences in Mexico before and after justice reform was implemented in 2008. More

Reporting Corruption in the Nigerian Electricity Sector

A report by the MacArthur-supported Socio-Economic Rights and Accountability Project shows that Nigeria has lost more than N11 trillion Naira to corruption in the electricity sector since the country returned to democracy in 1999. More

How to Keep Kids Who Misbehave Out of the Justice System

A report takes a close look at "status offenses," behaviors that are only illegal because of a person's status as a minor, such as truancy, running away, or violating curfew.  More

Higher Seas to Flood Dozens of U.S. Cities

As many as 90 U.S. cities already face chronic inundation from rising seas caused by climate change, and that number could climb to as many as 670 by the end of the century, according to a climate impact analysis by the Union of Concerned Scientists.  More

Media Use and Public Perceptions of Global Warming in India

Indian media can play a positive role in increasing public engagement among a population largely unaware of the impacts of climate change, according to a report by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication.  More

Planned Relocations of Disaster-Affected Populations

A MacArthur-supported toolbox provides concrete suggestions for states and groups who are contemplating or planning to relocate people to protect them from natural disasters and environmental change. More