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We are Sea Shepherd
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization...
Established in 1977, our mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species. We use innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities on the high seas. By safeguarding the biodiversity of our delicately balanced ocean ecosystems, Sea Shepherd works to ensure their survival for future generations.
We are Sea Shepherd
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization.
Operation Milagro III
Operation Virus Hunter
Op Infinite Patience
Operation Virus Hunter II
Operation Milagro III
Op Infinite Patience
Operation Virus Hunter II
Operation Milagro III
Op Infinite Patience

How to Support Sea Shepherd

We are one of the few global environmental organizations that focuses primarily on direct action. 

Whether it is on the ground in Taiji, patrolling the Gulf of California, or fighting poachers in the Galapagos, we are in field working hard to protect our marine environment.

How to Support Sea Shepherd

We are one of the few global environmental organizations that focuses primarily on direct action. 

Whether it is on the ground in Taiji, patrolling the Gulf of California, or fighting poachers in the Galapagos, we are in field working hard to protect our marine environment.

Sea Turtle Hatchling
The animals and environments we protect are located across the globe, so we need your support to send help when it is needed. Please donate today.
Taiji dolphin captured
Sea Shepherd has a long and rich history protecting animals and the ocean environment. You can learn more about us by reading our history.
Learn More
Cove Guardians on watch
Whether helping with your local chapter, traveling to a distant country to stop animal attrocities, or crewing one of our ships at sea, we have a place for you.
Where Does Your Entertainment Come From
September 01, 2017

Sea Shepherd Releases Powerful Video on the Same Day Japan Begins Its Annual Dolphin Hunt

Do you know where your entertainment comes from? Video asks Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has released a video about dolphin captivity today, the…
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Hover over icon for chapter name, click to visit the chapter's page.

AustinBaltimore/DCBostonDallasDenverHalifaxJacksonvilleLondon, OntarioLos AngelesMinneapolisNew York CityNorthern CaliforniaPhiladelphiaSan DiegoSeattleTampaTorontoVancouver Unceded Coastal Salish TerritoriesMontreal
Where Does Your Entertainment Come From
September 01, 2017

Sea Shepherd Releases Powerful Video on the Same Day Japan Begins Its Annual Dolphin Hunt

Do you know where your entertainment comes from? Video asks Sea Shepherd Conservation Society has released a video about dolphin captivity today, the…

Operation Good Pirates of the Caribbean