New website

The campaign website has been fully transferred to and this page will soon redirect to that website. We have retained all previous posts and comments.

For the latest information, to write a comment, or to visit the new blog, please visit


Watch Hich perform at the One World Festival!

Hich will take part in his first public performance since his arrest tomorrow (on Sunday May 14) as part of the Al Zaytouna Theatre and Dance troupe of which he is a founding member. The performance will take place at 12pm and at 2.30pm in Nottingham’s Old Market Square as part of the event One City One World.
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Hich on Riseup Radio

Riseup Radio is a monthly community based podcast from Nottingham, UK. Reports on stuff that didn’t make other local media, music from local artists and bands and chatting about stuff that matters. The July show features Hich as a special guest presenter, discussing his case and playing some music. There’s also information on resistance to coal, news opposition to the BNP’s national festival being held in Derbyshire and an exclusive interview with Captain Paul Watson of Sea Shepherd.

Download: mp3 | ogg vorbis

Others: stream link | playlist | more formats

Times Higher Education Supplement letters pages

The Times Higher Education Supplement has covered the terror arrests at Nottingham University extensively and much of this coverage has been sympathetic. This motivated outgoing Vice Chancellor Colin Campbell to write to the publication to restate the university’s position. Others have subsequently responded, leading to a debate in the letters section reprinted below.

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Letter From Research Students To Vice-Chancellor of The University Of Nottingham

Dear Sir Colin,

As research students at the Universities of Oxford, London, Manchester, Kent, Westminster and of the London School of Economics, we have been gravely disturbed by the treatment of Rizwaan Sabir, a fellow student at your institution, and Hicham Yezza, one of your administrative employees. Following their wrongful arrest under anti-terrorism laws on 14 May and their subsequent release after six days in detention, Hicham Yezza faced a total of 31 days in detention in various immigration facilities, threatened with deportation, before being released a few days ago.

The response of your institution to their treatment is of deep concern to anyone who believes in academic freedom.
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Musician releases song ‘Magna Carta’ about Hich

A musician and spoken word artist, Guy C, has released a song called ‘Magna Carta – A Song for Hich’. You can hear it here. The song includes excerpts from an interview that Hicham gave at the University of Nottingham Civil Liberties Conference on April 19, 2008, where he chaired the concluding session. Hich’s role in the Peace Movement featured prominently in his interrogation by counter-terrorism police.

Guy and Hich have been close friends for over ten years.

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First interview with Hicham after his release

Following the cancellation order on his deportation, and after being detained for over 30 days, Hicham Yezza has been released on bail after the Home Office refused to grant him temporary release. He gives his first interview post-release with the BBC here.