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Arturo007 updated Ben Lapps Artist Fanart [5 hours ago]
Arturo007 updated Artie Traum Artist Fanart [6 hours ago]
Arturo007 updated Antonio Calogero Artist Fanart [6 hours ago]
Arturo007 updated Antonio Calogero Artist Thumb [6 hours ago]
Arturo007 updated Antonio Calogero Artist New [6 hours ago]

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rateyourmusic loved the track Dash Berlin - Aviation
rateyourmusic loved the artist Metallica
rateyourmusic loved the artist Pink Floyd
zag loved the track Dash Berlin - Man on the Skyfire
zag loved the track Dash Berlin - Here Tonight
zag loved the track Dash Berlin - Disarm Yourself

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rateyourmusic rated the track Dash Berlin - Aviation
rateyourmusic rated the album 6/10 Lindsey Stirling - Lindsey Stirling
rateyourmusic rated the album 6/10 Lindsey Stirling - Shatter Me
rateyourmusic rated the album 6/10 Lindsey Stirling - Brave Enough
rateyourmusic rated the album 5/10 Avril Lavigne - Avril Lavigne
rateyourmusic rated the album 6/10 Avril Lavigne - Goodbye Lullaby

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