Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Germany. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

SUPERFAN - Fuck You Ep 97

REPOST Request:  Thank you Mark and Wildevilman for this original post.

Monday, August 7, 2017


Here's one that is timely for those who are using this made up excuse in this day and age..shameful lies!!  Putin just tried to show the U.S. in international news forums how we messed up in the Middle East and sure enough the lying liberals who control media in our country flip it around as an attack point against Trump who is an international businessman who loves his country.  Keep in mind he shutdown the kangaroo court TPP group of 200 companies destroying us with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma from GMO's they yeah, Trump saves millions of lives by this simple action.  Now if we can just get the poseur punks like Jello Biafra from wairing shirts against our President just so he can side with the huge liberal votes and duped democrat money, that sell out!  He gave me the egotistical brush off once when I tried to talk to him after a spoken word show. Ego, ego, ego.

Here's a Putin article for ya!

Oh yes, and another article about all this attacking of our President by non-patriots:

And one more article to finish my rant:

Oh yeah, one article to really get that brain going:'

Monday, July 10, 2017

VA - S.O. 36

REPOST Request:  Live Punk Compilation From Germany
S.O.36 was a legendary club in Berlin.This record was given away to visitors and musicians,there weren't many copies made. Really rare and hard to find.
Thanks to Count Yorga for this one and for giving a good description of what this albums is.

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Spider Murphy Gang - Dolce Vita LP 81

Timeless good-time-beer-hall music of all the classics sung in German!  Really like this one.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


SEARCH ABOVE FOR MORE and ADD ON:  Kraut rocker from the band Tangerine Dream.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

TU~DO HOSPITAL - Patients Of... LP 86

This one has been requested so much over the past at the blog (someone else's rip kinda sketchy) that when I finally saw it "in the wild" as the vinyl hunters say at a store, I just had to pick it up to rip myself!    

MUNICH MACHINE - A Whiter Shade Of Pale Introducing Chris Bennett LP 78

I like these kind of releases whose creative impulses overcome the limitations of the genre (disco...bleche!)

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

THE KORGIS - st LP 79 w Dumb Waiters LP 80

REPOST Request:  Please also note that the Wang Chung and Living Color posts this week had swapped songs so please re-download as files are correctly labeled now.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

CAN - st CD 78 w Anthology 2CD

I would like to give thanks over this holiday that this Cologne, Germany band has announced they will play again and for their long history of excellent music.  Go see them!  'Enuff said.
Link 1 of 3:
Link 2 of 3:
Link 3 of 3:

Friday, November 4, 2016

Der Durstige Mann - Saufen Macht Das Leben Spaß '86 w Himmel & Hölle '87 w '82 to '88

REPOST Request:  Thanks a whole bunch to old blog member now with his own excellent blog Wildevilman ( from Germany for this timeless band!!!  Note to DU downloaders over last two weeks, I had the wrong recording settings as I was testing and left incorrect so my usual quality was off bad!  Please discard non-requested posts over last 2 weeks!
Note:  Last song was corrupted on the 87 release while extracting it from the WINRAR but I think 82-88 retrospect release should have this included as well as the Bier Vur Tot early 7 on the highly revered label Rock-O-Rama records.

Mut Aus Flaschen (M.A.F.) - Lieber Herbert Egoldt cassette `84

REPOST Request:  This is the picture for a vinyl by this German band that I don't have as it was posted by Donut Duck during the first few months of the blog before I found it...anyone GOT??

Mut Aus Flaschen (M.A.F.) - Hau Ab!

This is an earlier tape by the band per headline title, thanks to Count Yorga for this tape!!!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Circle Of Sig Tiu - Signs Of Time LP

REPOST Request:  Pretty intense one!  Thanks to Count Yorga for sending this originally.
