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Recent Comments

Joe Emersberger: The Fetishization of Violence
Very thoughtful and interesting piece
Chris Miller: Catastrophic and Illegal
Worrying about the legality of mass murder does seem a little er, bourgeois, (?) especially given the fact that'…
David Jones: A Letter to the Left
I'm with Michael; lose the antifa militancy and direct it somewhere useful. I hope this is dialogue- constructive criticism, discussion…
Michael Shadwell: A Letter to the Left
This article was fine until you hit the better be on board with the antifa. I cannot get on board…
Joe Emersberger: Ecuador’s “citizen revolution”
One more thing: Besides a really uncritical attitude towards "social movement leaders" the article, despite being…
Paul D: White supremacist rally explained
"They’ve adopted memes and hand gestures (like the “okay” symbol) as an inside joke, because people outside the movement have…
Joe Emersberger: Ecuador’s “citizen revolution”
Leftists have tended to be far too uncritical of “social movement leaders” and too suspicious (even hostile at times) towards…
James: Practical Utopia
"The influence of our wishes upon our beliefs is a matter of common knowledge and observation, yet the nature of…
Kim Scipes: Slouching Toward Mar-a-Lago
I must concur with much of what Andrew Bacevich and Tom Johnson have to say. Brilliant article, with…
Paulo Rodriguez: Practical Utopia
Hi Mike! Bought the book at Amazon to give it a go but it will only be…
James: Practical Utopia
A comparative look at Practical Utopia and Reversing Inequality. For better or worse. When one reads things…
Tom Johnson: Slouching Toward Mar-a-Lago
Truly an interesting and thoughtful piece from "a conservative and a traditionalist" that quietly rises above the sea of anti-Trump…
Philip Log: Slouching Toward Mar-a-Lago
I agree with all of the above except for the balanced budget. debt can be a very useful tool -…
James: Reversing Inequality
Good to see this here. The NSP has published around 20 or so visions and working papers for a…
Tom Johnson: Foreigners Are Crazy
Thanks to David Swanson for this. I can guarantee that if this piece reaches other media outlets, most "Americans" will…
Kelvin Yearwood: The Guardian’s Latest Dishonesty about Venezuela
A real abuse of that piece of political literature, Neddy. Is no-one allowed to critically comment on…
Dave Markland: 12 Wins For BDS Movement
Doing some fact-checking: the strongest statement above, number 10, is intriguing. What was in fact adopted by the Norwegian labour…
Neddy Merrill: The Guardian’s Latest Dishonesty about Venezuela
First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Socialist.…
Michael: On the Beach 2017
Excellent, as usual, from John Pilger. Thanks so much.
Steve Ellner: Remarkable Deceit from Nicholas Casey of the New York Times on Venezuela
The list of Casey’s openly biased statements on Venezuela is a long one. Just one example. On several occasions Casey…
Kim Scipes: The Fight for the South
This is a thoughtful and well-argued article that deserves considerable attention. I think their argument is largely sound, and…
Tom Johnson: Pollution Solutions
It is a bit of a stretch for George Monbiot, a long-time supporter of nuclear energy, to propose "Pollution Solutions."
James: Practical Utopia
Reluctant to comment but...read the book, as I have the Fanfare series...still a little uncertain as to what the "bloc"…
Kim Scipes: America’s Amnesia
This is interesting to read, as I'm currently in Ho Chi Minh City, having taught a course at a university…
Caed Stephenson: Postmodernism an Instrument of Power
I went back to De Suassure (Fourth General course in Linguistics or something) and had a look at that…
Ana Rcisi: Organizing for Structural Change
Shouldn't your issue choose you? One of the reasons for the success of the Civil Rights and Labor movements…
Francis Yellow: Power to the People
Hau, Greetings, to the Palestinian People from Dakod Makoce kin, The Land of the Friendly People! Thank you for showing…
Ky Chain: The Anti-Corruption Revolution
Nicolas Maduro It would seem you may have a personal issue with him! Leading with frat boys may…
Ky Chain: The Anti-Corruption Revolution
Wow! What a very long article to denounce Nicolas Maduro!
Rick Langtree: Mr. Trump
But still, sometimes ya hafta larf. His funniest tweet, on Kim launching something like an i-c b-m, wondered if…
Antonio Carty: Resurgent Chavismo
The palace was in Madrid's city centre, and I was happy to visit and discover that its now an…
Antonio Carty: Resurgent Chavismo
Yes, the International media including my country Ireland is just parroting the perspective of USA interests, even more so than…
Neddy Merrill: Imperial delusions about Venezuela
Midnight abductions of opposition leaders by government thugs. What's next for the Maduro regime? Show trials is my guess. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/aug/01/venezuela-maduro-government-opposition-leaders
Michael: Resurgent Chavismo
Good analysis. Helps to understand the wildly distorted mainstream media reports in the U.S. Reports here…
Tomislav B: Introduction to Practical Utopia
Thanks for posting the intro.
Neddy Merrill: Luisa Ortega Diaz: A newly minted hero to the international corporate media – UPDATED
Leftists good, non-lefists bad. Four legs good, two legs bad. Can it really be that simple? Don't you realize you…
Joe Emersberger: Luisa Ortega Diaz: A newly minted hero to the international corporate media – UPDATED
You sound much like an apologist for the people who tried to get Abby Martin and Mike Prynser lunched. They…
Joe Emersberger: Imperial delusions about Venezuela
Thanks very much Michael. You very eloquently made important points about the challenges we all face trying to get around…
Philip Log: Imperial delusions about Venezuela
agreed - nice job!
Neddy Merrill: Luisa Ortega Diaz: A newly minted hero to the international corporate media – UPDATED
Joe, in moments of candid reflection do you ever ponder the fact that your opposition to imperialism and inequality has…
Michael: Imperial delusions about Venezuela
In the normal course of events, for the average person it is difficult to know what is actually happening.…
Thom Burlington: Fury and Repression in St. Louis
Thank you Carl, and no need to argue about the methods devolving from the legacy of subterranean security activities -…
Michael: Prevent Civil War in Venezuela
Eva is always helpful with her comments! Gracias.
Michael: Expanding the Empire
This article makes several good points and certainly is consistent with long-standing aims of the U.S. in Central America.…
Philip Log: The Chemical Attack at Khan Sheikhoun
500 pound bombs - exactly. lots of war crimes on the planet at the moment. mlk's line about the greatest…
Joe Emersberger: In defense of Venezuela
He means there is a standoff between various branches of government which was moving nowhere. It is making the economic…
John Dixon: In defense of Venezuela
"Maduro ́s objective is, of course, to bypass the obstruction of an opposition-controlled national assembly." This is a very Orwellian…
John Vincent: The Chemical Attack at Khan Sheikhoun
It's not clear why Stephen Shalom considered it necessary to write such a long article against Seymour Hersh's piece that…
Philip Log: The Chemical Attack at Khan Sheikhoun
so easy and fun to attack official enemies isn't it? stevie seems to like it. so first of all what…
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