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Sept ZMag
  • Flowers: Trump Enters Quagmire

    Afghanistan is evidence of the never-ending policy of full spectrum dominance sought by the U.S. empire

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    Rasmus: Central Bankers At the End of Their Rope

    The most reliable guide to understanding neoliberalism is Jack Rasmus’s book, Central Bankers on the Ropes, which examines the fundamental role of central banks in our current savage global economy.

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    Daniels: Reaction To Bigotry

    The vicious assault on counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia by a volatile amalgam of Neo-Nazis, Ku Klux Klan, Alt-Right and other white nationalist forces was one of the most horrific acts of domestic terrorism in American history

  • Boardman: NFL Plantation Owners Ban Uppity Quarterback

    Trump's administration is contributing to social calm and order by setting out to give local police more military weapons, from armored troop carriers to grenade launchers.

  • Dolack: Single Payer

    Studies have shown that doctors who have received payments from pharmaceutical companies are more likely to prescribe those companies’ medications. But pharmaceutical companies go far beyond wining and dining doctors, or paying them speaking fees. They organize “patient advocacy” groups that pretend to be grassroots organizations

Recent Audio/Videos
Being Left

Vincent Emanuele interviews Michael Albert Activism and vision

Spanish activist David Marty interviews Albert on : Being Left

Belgian activist Paulo Rodriquez interviews Albert on: Thoughts and Deeds


ZBooks are a great way to learn, share information, and help ZCommunications!

Most Recent: Global Weirding 37.7 Seconds: Feminist Reader We Own The World: Intl Reader Fanfare for the Future Occupy Theory / Vision / Strategy

small coverRPS/2044 is an oral history of the next American Revolution. 18 interviewees discuss their experiences, travails, joys, vision, strategy, campaigns, and victories. The book is a $5 ebook and $14 paperback, both on Amazon.

RPS/2044 Site

Fraser: Art and RPS / Lennon: An Organizer’s Take On RPS Albert: Give RPS A Chance / Testimonials / TOC / Interviewees / Mark Evans Blog / Bertrand Dellinger’s Thoughts / Albert Interviewed

Highlighted Content

Bernat: Referendum
Savio: Dismal Trend for Europe
Portnoy: Colonial Reality
Fisk: A glitzy distraction
Zirin: Toxic Masculinity
Swanson: Take a Knee
Grossman: Rightists Threaten
Johnson: Media Indifference
Lennon: Organizer On RPS/2044
de Sousa Santos: Catalonia
Zeese: Health Care?
Klein: A global phenomenon
Asante-Muhammad: Racial Inequality
Greenwald: The Real Culprit
Cockburn: Independence from Iraq
Ancel: How Nurses Went Union
Nichols: A ‘democratic tsunami’
Serpico: Kap, Cops and Confederate Statues
Albert: Give RPS A Chance
Polychroniou: Greece 
Street: “Vietnam War”
Bernat: Sparking bigger
de la Cour Venning: genocide 
Ukockis: “Real” Rape
Nichols: Mass resistance
Rosenfeld: Health Care
Podur: Truth About Venezuela
Prashad: Media row
Pilger: The killing of history
Street: On Good and Evil
Engelhardt: Empire of Madness
Dellinger: On RPS/2044
Alperovitz: Commonwealth
Early: Nader’s Museum
Nichols: Catalonia referendum
Foner: Robert E. Lee
Cohn: Arpaio Pardon?
Falk: Israel/Palestine
Baraka: The Empire’s Hustle
Rasmus: Greek Debt Crisis
Klein: Paris?
Gurley: University Deportation
Low: Liberal white male rage
Chomsky: Neoliberalism
Klare: Beyond Harvey & Irma
Pilger: Palestine Still the Issue
Prashad: India’s Farmers
Delclos: Catalonia and Spain
Berger: What Abolitionists Do
Street: Race v. Class?
Rosenfeld: Racial Divide
Scipes: Killing the Planet
Koehler: Restorative Justice
Sanders: Medicare for All
Kilkaur: Corporate Psychopathy
Klein: heir Ideology
Monbiot: How do we get out?
Weisbrot: Venezuela
Nichols: Catalan struggle
Cole: What will Iran do?
Lalaguna: War on Drugs, 2
Swanson: Conference
Klein: Season of Smoke
Weisbrot: New Measures
Prashad: Notes from Morocco
Street: Eco-cidal Madness
Cohn: Sessions Is Wrong
Mann: The ‘New Normal’?
Baroud: Gaza Youth Speak Out
Feffer: Ponzi Scheme
Stedile: We Are All Venezuela
Basile: Anti-Capitalist Antifa
Elbaum: Left Strategy
Zeese: Climate Breakdown 
Kim: Undercover in North Korea
Scott: Confronting Racists
Bennis: US Bombs Evacuation Route
Dimaggio: Non-Violence
Glover: Child of Labor Movement
Flowers: No Compromise
Cohn: “I’ve Got Your Back”
Marcetic: Before the Hurricane
Weisbrot: Trump Sanctions
Dolack: Rojava
Klein: Harvey

Practical Utopia

bookMichael Albert's new book is  available at PM Press and via Amazon. Part one offers tools for understanding society and history. Part two promotes a vision for a better way of organizing economy, polity, kinship, culture, ecology, and international relations. Part three proposes tactics and programs. And here is the Introduction to Practical Utopia

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