ZCom Contacts

Z Communications
215 Atlantic Ave.
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Staff Michael Albert, Lydia Sargent, Eric Sargent
Z Magazine Policy general business zmag@zmag.org
Circulation subscription queries; address changes



Content article and graphic submissions; letters to the editor



ZNet Policy general business; questions michael.albert@zmag.org
Content article and graphic submissions; content comments michael.albert@zmag.org
Errors broken links; display problems… michael.albert@zmag.org
Volunteer Inquiries queries for volunteer participation michael.albert@zmag.org
Z Sustainers
Policy general business; questions eric.sargent@zmag.org
Member / Sustainer Support account/billing problems and requests; eric.sargent@zmag.org
Technical Errors bug reports michael.albert@zmag.org
Z Video Project All Correspondence all correspondence lydia.sargent@zmag.org


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