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Recent Video

Vijay Prashad: US plays ‘sectarian game’

Creating disorder in the Middle East

Medea Benjamin: Opposing war and militarism

Speaking about the urgent need for grassroots movements to oppose war and militarism in the U.S. and around the world

Tariq Ali: Talk at Oxford Union

Talk on a variety of topics

Noam Chomsky: Building Sustainable Economies

Interview on the politics in Ecuador, Brazil, Venezuela and across Latin America

Noam Chomsky: Talks at Google

Interview on a wide range of topics, from the development of his personal political views to the control of information and media

Gregory Wilpert: Venezuelan Vote Count

The CEO of the company that sold and operates the voting machines in Venezuela says that there was a discrepancy of 1 million votes

John Pilger: The Coming War On China

Interview on a new documentary “The Coming War On China” and the military escalation that could lead World War III

Noam Chomsky: Trump & America 2017

Interview on a variety of topics

Noam Chomsky: Postmodernism an Instrument of Power

Interview about postmodernism, how it is an instrument of power and why academics embrace it

Vijay Prashad: ‘Dangerous Confrontation’ With Iran

Interview on the American, Saudi and Israeli ​campaign against Iran and the new Cold War with Russia

Abby Martin: Silencing Palestine

A visitto the the Ramallah offices of Addameer–the most prominent prisoners’ rights organizations in Palestine–for a shocking investigation into the use of Israeli jails and arbitrary laws as a weapon

Mustafa Barghouthi: Jerusalem Protests

The deadly Israeli crackdown on Palestinians protesting restrictions at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa Mosque is part of an effort to divide the holy site and undermine the Palestinian struggle for freedom

Greg Palast: Stopping Crosscheck

Jesse Jackson and Bernie Sanders team up to stop Kris Kobach’s Crosscheck program

Ali Abunimah: Break the silence on Gaza

“It’s up to us to challenge the institutional complicity and silence”

Abby Martin: Supermarkets to Black Markets

Talking to Venezuelans on the streets of Caracas

Noam Chomsky: Profiting from Taxpayers

Interview on how the banking, fossil fuel and tech sectors all profit immensely from taxpayer dollars

Cornel West: How Intellectuals Betrayed the Poor

For 40 years academics were duped into idolizing the idea of unfettered markets

Noam Chomsky: Neoliberalism & the working class

Interview on the adverse effects of neoliberalism on the working class

Jimmy Carter: Jimmy Carter Explains Trump

How The Establishment Gave Us Trump

Neil Young: Children of Destiny

Official Music Video for Neil Young + Promise of the Real “Children of Destiny”

Seymour Hersh: Syria, Osama bin Laden and more

Interview about his career and recent articles on Syria and Osama bin Laden

Various Contributors: Climate Insurgency Webinar

An introduction to the Climate Insurgency strategy framework, which weaves together many strands of climate organizing

Yanis Varoufakis: Europe’s hidden agenda

What happened in Greece during the crisis? And what happens when you take on the establishment?

Glen Ford: Killing with Impunity

Interview on the recent failed prosecutions of the officers who killed Samuel DuBose, Sylville Smith and Philando Castile

Bill Fletcher: The Future of the Labour Movement

Trump, Right-Wing Populism, and the Future of the Labour Movement

Moby & The Void Pacific Choir: In This Cold Place

Moby & The Void Pacific Choir – In This Cold Place Official video by Steve Cutts

Bernie Sanders: On Republican Health Care

Sen. Bernie Sanders delivers a speech on the Senate floor regarding Republicans’ health care plan.

Z3k3@ndZ@mi: The Fight for Health in California

A look at how the California Senate passed the “Healthy California” plan and the coming battle to make it into law

Claire Sandberg: Learning from Corbyn

Former Sanders Campaign Digital Organizing Director Claire Sandberg speaks to the Real News after spending the past month working in the UK to defeat Theresa May. Correction: Sandberg was the former Digital Organizing Director for the Bernie Sanders campaign.

Abby Martin: Opposition Violence at Venezuela Protests

Violent opposition protesters attempt to intimidate reporters

Charles Lenchner: Is a National Progressive Broad Front Possible?

Discussing the Peoples Summit and what comes next

Danny Glover: A New Radical Politics

A new politics includes a fight in the Democratic Party but does not limit itself to that or have illusions about it

Noam Chomsky: Talks at Google

Discussion on a wide range of topics from the development of his personal political views to the control of information and media

Norman Solomon: Can the Democratic Party Be Reformed?

Interview on chow orporate Democrats should be vigorously fought in primaries, but this is also a moment like 1930’s Germany where a united front is necessary to defeat Trump and Republicans

Kenneth Glasgow: Rattling the Bars

Interview about building a broad coalition to boycott the businesses that are tied to prison slavery

Tom Barlow: UK Election Polls Tighten

Britain’s June 8 general election race is tightening between Labour and Tories and how the mainstream British media is losing credibility in the process

Jeremy Corbyn: This Election Is About You

It’s about what we can achieve together

Nina Turner: Bitter Fight in California Democratic Party

Kimberly Ellis’s loss to a Clinton democrat for chair of the state party by only 62 votes shows strength of the Sanders movement

John Pilger: Cleared But Far From Free

Journalists are increasingly targeted as enemies of the state

Norman Solomon: What’s a Progressive?

The fight for Chair of the California Democratic Party reflects a much larger struggle within the party between progressives and corporate Democrats

Noam Chomsky: I would vote for Jeremy Corbyn

Interview on Donald Trump, populism in Europe and Julian Assange

Thomas Barlow: Corbyn’s New Labour Manifesto

Jeremy Corbyn’s new “For the Many, Not the Few” manifesto puts sweeping progressive change on the table, much to the chagrin of the British political and media establishment

Priya Johnson: Rattling the Bars

MIT Students Demand Divestment From Prison Profiteering Corporations

Ken Loach: In conversation with Jeremy Corbyn

These stories show why Labour must transform and rebuild Britain so that no one and no community is left behind

Steve Ellner: Constitutional Assembly a “Mixed Bag”

The Venezuelan government’s call for a constitutional assembly is a positive step for breaking the political deadlock, but it still won’t solve the country’s most pressing problems

Ali Abunimah: Democrats Out of Step on Israel-Palestine

Democratic politicians, even progressives like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, are out of touch with their supporters when it comes to defending Palestinian rights

Noam Chomsky: The future of Palestine in Trump era

Discussion on the future of Palestine

John Cavanagh: Resistance to Trump in first 100 Days

John Cavanagh, Director of the Institute for Policy Studies. The Republican Party has for the second time in a few months failed in its attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, killing Donald Trump’s last chance to have a legislative victory during his first 100 days as president. Trump had released an ambitious Read more…

Yanis Varoufakis: Why Universal Basic Income is a Necessity

Arguments include a macro socio-economic, psychological, philosophical and moral perspective

Dimitri Lascaris: People’s Climate March

Discussion on the Leap Manifesto’s demand for a just transition to a green economy and the movement in Canada, the US and beyond

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