Category: Activism

Yael Bromberg: Punishing Dissent in the Age of Trump

On the morning of President Trump’s Inauguration, police trapped and arrested over 230 people. Some were anti-Trump demonstrators; some were not. The next day, federal prosecutors charged them all with “felony rioting,” a nonexistent crime in DC

Arun Gupta: Protecting People

We should start organizing to make cities powerful bastions of noncooperation, resistance, and protection. Activists and organizations can start demanding in every city that city councils and mayors issue resolutions and statements

Shamus Cooke: A Mass Movement?

There have been nationwide coordinated protests of high school and college students leaving class for the streets; on the 17th, 80 colleges participated in a walkout, using the anti-Trump hashtag #sanctuary campus as their slogan. Mayors across the country have urged calm but more protests are planned.

Esther Vivas: What Remains of All Our Outrage?

However, real change does not come about only through conquering institutions, but through gaining support from a mobilized society. What remains of all our outrage? A regime in crisis, not ready yet to fall, but ready to be reconfigured

Chris Brooks: Long-Term Organizing

Corporate grocery chains are continuing their offensive, with Kroger the latest example. The company wants concessions, even though it doesn’t need them—it’s making record profits and just gave its CEO a handsome raise.

Tony Romano: We All Have a Right to the City

What are the systemic challenges to democratic and equitable control over public space? What kind of popular mobilizations can build towards systemic alternatives guaranteeing the human right to housing?

Steve Early: The Last Hurrah in Richmond?

Even Bernie Sanders, now the nation’s foremost critic of big money in politics, seems taken aback by the scale of Chevron spending on Bates’s behalf.

Mark Engler: Claiming Our Victories

Ever so often we see an explosion of protest that propels an urgent issue to the fore of public debate

Jeremy Brecher: A New Wave of Climate Insurgents

One in six Americans say they would personally engage in nonviolent civil disobedience against corporate or government activities that make global warming worse. That’s about 40 million adults. The fate of the earth may depend on them—and others around the world —doing so.

Samantha Winslow: Teachers Hold Walk-in Protests in 30 Cities

The walk-in tactic was inspired by North Carolina teachers, who organized a series of these grassroots protests across the state in 2013 against education cuts. Other teacher unions soon picked up the idea

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