Category: ZMag

Kathy Kelly: Vigil for Peace in Yemen: A New Norm

U.S. national security leaders and stakeholders in war, as they shelter in place, have an extraordinary opportunity to set a new norm and link with the vigil for Peace in Yemen

H. Patricia Hynes: Trump Budget Winners and Losers

Thanks to this tax cut—the rich get richer: 72 percent of the tax cuts were directed to the wealthiest 20 percent of households

Brian Terrell: COVID-19 and the Wasting Disease of Normalcy

The wasting disease of normalcy is the far greater existential threat and our survival requires that we meet it with at least the same courage, generosity and ingenuity

Sonali Kolhatkar: Can Democracy Survive the Coronavirus?

The coronavirus is not just a threat to our personal and collective health; it is a threat to our democratic institutions as well. We need to protect lives and democracies

Jonathan Cook: The bigger picture is hiding behind a virus

If only we could redirect our gaze, if we could seize back control of our attention for a moment, we might understand that we are being plagued not just by a virus but by our fear, our hate, our hunger, our selfishness

Norman Solomon: Bernie’s Decision: Retreat Should Not Be Confused with Surrender

Photo by StoopDown/   Politics is ultimately about life and death, as the current pandemic horrors make clear. Policies that can seem abstract not only routinely harm quality of life; they also kill. Both Bernie Sanders campaigns for president have brought a principled seriousness to the national discourse that no other candidate has come near Read more…

Jack Rasmus: Market “Solutions” to the Covid-19 Crisis

The Fed has opened a free money spigot to investors, bankers, and to big business of all types, and has simply declared “come on in and take it.” And if the $6 trillion to date isn’t enough, we’ll provide more

Mike Ferner: Love In A Dangerous Time

If we can expand our consciousness and compassion, we can begin to comprehend our government’s behavior in the world and come out of this pandemic demanding to be better members of the human family

Danica Jorden: ICE Eases Threat but “Essential” Immigrant Farmworkers Struggle to Feed Themselves During Coronavirus

Immigrant farm workers have long been essential to the U.S. But they have never been recognized, respected or properly rewarded for their labor

Wim Laven: GOP’s Achievement is Now on Display

Republicans are responsible for condoning his corruption, persistent abuses of power, and ongoing grift

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