Category: Reimagining Society

Miguel Guevara: Interviewing Senator Malcolm King, 1

In the year 2042, an oral history of the then 25 year-old ongoing Revolutionary Participatory Society organization/project in the U.S. will be published. The book’s fifteen chapters will excerpt and arrange insights culled from eighteen interviews to present events and ideas in a sequential, encompassing way.  By unknown dynamics, the book’s introduction, its 18 source Read more…

John Baker: Equality

The idea of equality is at the centre of the issues that have defined ‘progressive’ or ‘left’ politics in the last three centuries, and arguably throughout human history

Miguel Guevara: Interviewing Cynthia Parks, Part Two

In the year 2042, an oral history of the then 25 year-old ongoing Revolutionary Participatory Society organization/project in the U.S. will be published. The book’s fifteen chapters will excerpt and arrange insights culled from eighteen interviews to present events and ideas in a sequential, encompassing way. By unknown dynamics, the book’s introduction, its 18 source Read more…

Miguel Guevara: Interviewing Anton Rocker

In the year 2042, an oral history of the then 25 year-old ongoing Revolutionary Participatory Society organization/project in the U.S. will be published. The book’s fifteen chapters will excerpt and arrange insights culled from eighteen interviews to present events and ideas in a sequential, encompassing way.  By unknown dynamics, the book’s introduction, its 18 source Read more…

Miguel Guevara: Interviewing Cynthia Parks, Part One

Different strokes for different folks, I guess. But over time, one thing is certain. If the trajectory hadn’t been toward the more participatory perspective, there would be no RPS,

Vincent Emanuele: Creating an Effective Left for an Unstable Future

A talk at Open University of the Left

Miguel Guevara: Interviewing Mark Feynman

I went to the founding convention as a working class nurse already hostile to profit seeking and corporate hierarchy.

Miguel Guevara: Interviewing Barbara Bethune

My medical school training pretty much ignored context, social causes, and prevention. Experiencing the anti social and anti health aspects of an internship at a major Chicago hospital sealed the deal. I was radicalized.

Miguel Guevara: Interviewing Andrej Goldman, 2

Lots of people wondered why is Trump President? How did it happen? My first reaction was to wonder, why ask why?

Miguel Guevara: Interviewing Harriet Lennon

I wondered if some broad national policy could increase affordable housing in ways equitable for families and exemplary regarding housing production.

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