Category: Human Rights

Sonia Shah: Do the Olympics Actually Make the World Less Healthy?

If Zika does expand thanks to the Olympics, it won’t be the first pathogen to exploit a mass sporting event

Richard Falk: Human rights and the failed coup in Turkey

It is quite possible that present tendencies toward a more inclusive democracy will continue, and at the same time, denials of human rights are almost certain to persist, and justify scrutiny and vigilance

Graham Peebles: Hunger and Food Waste in a World of Plenty

Food, like shelter and health care, is enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a fundamental right of all people, irrespective of circumstances or income. And yet one in nine of the global population does not have enough to eat – despite the fact that there is enough food to feed everyone. The Read more…

Ellen Isaacs: Migration: A Reflection of Capitalism

The news is full of tragic and shocking stories of the flight of refugees, such as the 12.6 million Syrians internally or externally displaced and 800 drowned this year in the Aegean sea. Today, more desperate refugees are seeking shelter in Europe than at any time since World War II. According to the United Nations Population Council, there were 232 million international migrants worldwide in 2013

Dror Ladin: Latest CIA Torture Docs Show “Evidence of War Crimes” & Level of Brutality That Even Shocked Bush

This is evidence of war crimes. And yet no one’s been prosecuted

William Boardman: Saudies Should Kill Civilians More Slowly…?

Sounds a little like a joke (and in a sense it is): Two U.S. senators introduce a resolution based on fraudulent representations of reality, seeking to make the president insist that the Saudis bomb fewer civilians in Yemen

John Dear: The Life And Death of Daniel Berrigan

Rev. Daniel Berrigan, the renowned anti-war activist, award-winning poet, author and Jesuit priest, who inspired religious opposition to the Vietnam war and later the U.S. nuclear weapons industry, died at age 94, just a week shy of his 95th birthday

Sue Sturgis: N.C. produces flawed study to dismiss cancer-cluster fears near Duke Energy coal plants

Is it surprising that people living near these plants report unusual patterns of illness?

Chelsea Manning: Solitary confinement is ‘no touch’ torture, and it must be abolished

I spent about nine months in an isolated cell behind a one-way mirror. It was cruel, degrading and inhumane

Rebecca Gordon: The Al-Qaeda Leader Who Wasn’t

The Shameful Ordeal of Abu Zubaydah

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