Category: Social Policy

Chris Slee: Chasing the Scream

The First and Last Days of the War on Drugs

Rebecca Gordon: Resurrecting the Unholy Trinity

Torture, Rendition, and Indefinite Detention Under Trump

Chris Hedges: A Nation of the Walking Dead

The corporate state will expand our access to a variety of opioids and numbing situations to temporarily alleviate our stress, financial dislocations, depression and anxiety

Jon Schwarz: Trumpcare Is Dying

Now Let’s Kill the Insane Ideology Behind It

Mark Weisbrot: Medicaid saved ObamaCare

The economic case for universal, single-payer health care has long been irrefutable

Sam Levin: Squashing the Competition

Pharmaceutical company Insys spent $500,000 to block legalization in Arizona. Five months later it won approval for a cannabis-derived medical drug

Zaid Jilani: Sanders: Medicare for Everybody

All that Sanders is trying to do is fulfill the original promise of Medicare, by expanding it to everyone

Yessenia Funes: Pruitt Shoots Down Pesticide Ban

There could be serious health consequences for farmworkers, children and surrounding communities in danger of drinking water sources polluted with chlorpyrifos

Sharon Lerner: The Plant Next Door

A Louisiana Town Plagued by Pollution Shows Why Cuts to the EPA Will Be Measured in Illnesses and Deaths

Russell Mokhiber: Single-Payer Bernie Morphs Into Public Option Dean

Right before our eyes, we are seeing the transformation of single payer Bernie Sanders into public option Howard Dean. During the 2016 Presidential campaign, Sanders took off like a rocket, fueled by the promise of a single payer, Medicare for All single payer system. His single payer plan paralleled HR 676, the single payer bill Read more…

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