Category: Law, Crime, & Justice

ACLU OK: The Heartbreaking Case of Tondalo Hall

Tondalo Hall was sent to prison for 30 years for failing to protect her children from child abuse while the abuser received two years in prison and eight years of probation with credit for time served

Lois Beckett: ‘Our moment to go on offense’: NRA makes big plans for Trump presidency

With Republicans poised to control the White House and Congress, the National Rifle Association sees chance to attack gun laws at the state and federal levels

Lauren Victoria Burke: Resisting Trump: Sessions’ Attorney General Nomination

Will Democratic Sen. Cory Booker and Sen.-elect Kamala Harris lead a charge against the confirmation of a nominee with a racist past?

Michael E. Tigar: The Lawyers’ Job Now — History and Strategy

The destruction of all barriers against arbitrary power was made possible by the complacency and complicity of lawyers and judges

Julian Assange: US Election Secrets

The WikiLeaks founder says that political and financial elites will not permit Dondald Trump to win this election

Sam Levin: Dakota pipeline protesters say activist accused of shooting at police is a pacifist

Attempted murder charge against Red Fawn Fallis is unfathomable to her supporters, but held up by police as evidence of protesters’ violent behavior

William Boardman: Law Is To Justice as Treaties Are to Native Americans

Judge Boasberg’s deference to law, to government agencies, to oil pipeline companies is all consistent with his membership in a ruling class club

Marjorie Cohn: The Threat of a Right-Wing Supreme Court: Analyzing Trump’s Prospective Justices

The new president will change the Court’s ideological makeup for the next four decades

Jim Naureckas: Charges Dropped Against Amy Goodman–No Thanks to Corporate Media

North Dakota District Judge John Grinsteiner stood up for the First Amendment by dismissing “riot” charges against Democracy Now!’s Amy Goodman

Rev. Edward Pinkney: Convicted With No Evidence: a Very Dangerous Precedent!

We must continue to fight against this grave imbalance to ensure a humane, just future for people of color, for the homeless, for the poverty-stricken, for the weary and beaten populace of America

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