Category: Foreign Policy

Patrick Cockburn: Ending multiple wars

It’s time America explored how to end the wars it has helped cause since 2001, rather than dropping more bombs

Vijay Prashad: Deadly Propaganda Events

There have been these two very important demonstration effects by the United States in the very region where they’ve constructed the battlefield of the War on Terror

Gareth Porter: New Revelations Belie Trump Claims

The alleged device for a sarin attack could not have been delivered from the air but only from the ground, meaning that the chemical attack may not have been the result of the Syrian airstrike

John Feffer: The Worst of Both Worlds

The greenhorn president is heading down a well-worn path: see a problem, fire a missile at it.

William Astore: “America-First”?

Putting the U.S. Military First, Second, and Third

Jesselyn Radack: Executive Power, Drones, and Trump

We opened Pandora’s box and unleashed drones upon humankind. But in this case, the damage was entirely foreseeable

John Pilger: Australia beckons a war with China

Australia is sleep-walking into a confrontation with China. Wars can happen suddenly in an atmosphere of mistrust and provocation, especially if a minor power, like Australia, abandons its independence for an “alliance” with an unstable superpower.   The United States is at a critical moment. Having exported its all-powerful manufacturing base, run down its industry Read more…

Robert Fisk: Ignorant of history

Gas, cruise missiles, barrel bombs, Hitler and the American media. Mix them all up and I suppose you get Trump’s new policy in the Middle East

Marjorie Cohn: Trump’s Syria Attack Trampled Many Laws

Regardless of who is responsible for the Khan Sheikhoun chemical deaths, however, Trump’s response violated both U.S. and international law

Vijay Prashad: America’s Latest Imperial Disaster

The rights and ambitions of the Syrian people are irrelevant to these plots and schemes

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