Category: Civil Liberties

Robert Reich: Trump Ran as a Populist but Will Govern as an Oligarch

Trump is well on the way to having the wealthiest cabinet in memory

ACLU OK: The Heartbreaking Case of Tondalo Hall

Tondalo Hall was sent to prison for 30 years for failing to protect her children from child abuse while the abuser received two years in prison and eight years of probation with credit for time served

Levi Rickert: Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe Reacts to U.S. Army Corps Eviction Notice: Your Letter Makes a Grave. Dangerous Mistake

Your letter appears to further empower the militarized police force that has been brutalizing and terrorizing our water protectors while imposing the blame and the risk on unarmed peaceful people

Edward S. Herman: Political and Moral Disarray

In short, in the 2016 presidential election the U.S. citizenry did not have an effective choice of a candidate who would turn away from the permanent war system and corporate welfare state; that is, one who had any chance of winning

Robert Fisk: America once turned its back on Anne Frank, just as Donald Trump rejects Muslim refugees today

Anne’s father Otto sought visas to the United States and the door was slammed in their face. I do wonder what the Trump administration would have done

Deirdre Fulton: Indigenous Resolve ‘Stronger Than Ever’ as Feds Order DAPL Protest Camp Shut Down

‘If the Army Corps tears down this protest camp hundreds more will spring up in its place’

Alleen Brown: Medics Describe How Police Sprayed Standing Rock Demonstrators With Tear Gas and Water Cannons

The council estimated that 300 people were treated for injuries, including 26 who were taken to area hospitals

Jeremy Scahill: Mike Pence Has “Militant Agenda” Against Women, the Poor, Immigrants, LGBTQ People

You look at Pence’s evolution as a political figure, and in many ways it is the story of how the radical religious right gained such prominence

Steven Rosenfeld: As Trump Builds His Authoritarian Presidency, Echoes of 1930s Germany and 1950s McCarthyism Abound

Domestic crackdowns. Militarism abroad?

Melvin A. Goodman: Trump’s Inner Circle: Here Come the Troglodytes

The appointment of a neo-conservative national security team points the Trump administration in an extreme hardline direction

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