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    Rasmus: Is Trump Really President?

    Is it a presidency where he makes his late night calls to his moneybag friends, like the billionaire Mercers and others, to find out “How am I doing guys’’? while the rest of the representatives of the economic and political elite run the show? Is this a Trump presidency or a government by Generals-Goldman Sachs-Pence, with son in law Kushner functioning as intermediary between them

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    Moyers: We Must Have A Special Prosecutor

    Trump takes us for chumps. The Republic is nothing to him but a crap game. And he loads the dice.

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    Chomsky: Undermining Our Survival

    As I mentioned, the policies being formulated and enacted are drawn from the playbook of the most reactionary fringe of the Republican establishment. The abject service to private wealth and power is accompanied with an authoritarian and fundamentalist program to transform U.S. society

  • Monkerud: Just Say No

    The GOP had a memory loss when it came to the millions of emails erased by Dick Cheney, who claimed to hide rogue operations in the vice-president’s office, and to hide what may have been his illegal activities from the public.

  • Winship: A Fish Called Bannon

    Bannon seems to believe in everything and nothing; one moment an economic libertarian, the next a white nationalist, then a worldwide conspiracy guy, but ultimately, perhaps, just someone who enjoys the rush of having power

  • Boardman: Lies The White House Tells Us

    Fake news as a denunciation peddled by Republican and Trump apparatchiks is an old-fashioned, fascist-style Big Lie with a neat capitalist twist.

  • Boardman: Trump Inaugural “This American Carnage” Annotated

    Is there any possible truth in this promise from a candidate who lost the popular vote, the vote of the people? What mechanism has Trump even hinted at that would provide for greater local government control anywhere? Trump’s determination to cut back on regulations is designed to empower corporations, not local governments, and certainly not individuals

  • Winship: Donald Trump’s Mission Creep Just Took A Giant Leap Forward

    You can see in the chaos a pattern: the political, religious and financial right collaborating to move America further from the norms of democracy with the triumph of one-party, one-man rule. There’s never been anything like it in our history.

  • Beitman: Top Five Things You Didn’t know about “Polluting” Scott Pruit

    Pruitt is a tool of big oil who blatantly copied an industry letter and sent it to the White House and EPA.Pruitt made national headlines in 2014 when the New York Times reported on the secret alliance he formed with major oil and gas companies to attack environmental protections

  • Winship: Protests Stopped the Predators, They Will Be Back

    All indications are that our incoming president regards the White House as a pirate galleon built to increase his family’s trove of plunder many fold, and the notion seems to be rubbing off on Congress


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