Mainstream Media Watch

Welcome to Media Watch,

We at ZCom of course provide media, yet we are definitively not in the mainstream. What swims there are corporate and governmental entities that overwhelmingly - when presenting news and social analysis at all - take as a given support for elite machinations and maintanence of elite structures. Understanding this system supporting media, dissecting its deceptive manipulations, combating its oppressive implications, and pressuring it to contain better even against its own inclinations, is the aim of our attention to mainstream media - as well as, in time, replacing it in toto.

Here too, however, you will find articles and content about alternative media - its efforts, logic, etc.

Please send any ideas you may have for other or additional content from our database you think ought to appear in content boxes on this page.

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    Baroud: How Palestine Disappeared from U.S. Media Coverage

    As if he has, overnight, been transformed into a master politician, Donald Trump’s 27-hour trip to Israel has left many analysts mystified.

  • Phillips: Propaganda, Fake News, and Media Lies

    Both PR and propaganda seek to change behaviors and ideas among the masses in support of the agendas of public and private institutions.

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    Herman: The New Anti-Russian Hysteria

    It is sad to see the liberals carried away on the wave of hysteria about the supposed Russian information warfare menace and possible influence over or even capture of the Trump presidency. It is also very dangerous to human welfare as it helps consolidate the power of the military-industrial complex

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    Street: Reflections on the Not-so Public Broadcasting System

    the news and commentary one finds on PBS is in rich tune with the narrow capitalist parameters of acceptable coverage and debate that typify the more fully and explicitly for-profit and commercialized corporate media

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    Herman: Containing the U.S.

    who is going to contain the United States? The U.S. political system has failed its populace and the world and has imposed no brakes on the war machine

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    Herman: Public Editors & Structural Bias

    Sullivan claims that the NYT has and should maintain “abiding attention to society’s have nots.” To the war on labor and decline of labor unions, which they have scanted for years?

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    Wittner: Getting the Story Wrong: The Distortion of Politics by the Press

    On the night of April 22, three days after the presidential primary, seven words buried at the end of a Times Union blog let slip the fact that Sanders had won the 20th Congressional district

  • Koehler: Opening the Closed Political Culture

    In just over a dozen words, the paper managed not only to trivialize everything two presidential candidates stood for, and not only to reference the myth that Nader caused Al Gore to lose an election he didn’t in fact lose, but also to obliterate the last six months of a presidential campaign that had permanently shaken up the political status quo

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    Herman: News Fit to Print But Not Printed, Part Two

    In Part 1, I began with a case where the New York Times belatedly acknowledged that it had failed to print news fit to print, news which, not coincidentally, contradicted a party-line theme the editors had enthusiastically and uncritically supported five years earlier

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    Herman: News Fit to Print But Not Printed, Part One

    The daily front page claim by the management of the New York Times that they provide “All the News That’s Fit to Print” is comical in its audacious scope. “All” covers an awful lot of ground, and if pressed the editors might even concede that something “fit to print” might occur in places not covered by their journalists or correspondents


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