Category: War Terrorism

Alfred W. McCoy: Into the Afghan Abyss (Again)

How a Failed Drug War Will Defeat Trump’s Afghan Adventure

Marjorie Cohn: Trump Is Killing Record Numbers of Civilians

In March alone, the Trump administration killed 1,000 civilians in Iraq and Syria

Nick Turse: From Niger to Somalia

U.S. Military Expansion in Africa Helps Terror Groups Recruit

Patrick Cockburn: Isis facing near total defeat

But it has been beaten and come back before

Patrick Cockburn: Stepping up atrocities

The weaker Isis becomes the more it will want to show that it is still in business

Juan Cole: Climate Change and Terrorism

On 9/11: How we slighted the real Threat, Climate Change, and Hyped Terrorism

Patrick Cockburn: al-Qaeda strengthens in Syria

The West’s focus on the fall of so-called Islamic State is playing directly into the hands of its old enemies,

Ramzy Baroud: The Terror Next Time

The Daesh Story Is Not Ending

Robert Fisk: Reactions to the Barcelona attack

Talking about the Spanish and Catalan reactions to the Barcelona attack – even if it’s not a nice conversation

Juan Cole: Trump on Barcelona

Trump could not have been more rude to Spain, in recalling 1898. And he could not have been more accommodating to ISIL’s narrative

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