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  • Bergstein: Because of Sex

    It is fair to say that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 brought the United States into the 20th Century. That comprehensive law made it illegal to engage in racial, gender, and national origin discrimination in public accommodations--like hotels and restaurants--and employment. Yet, the law says very little about what exactly constitutes discrimination

  • Friesen: Why The Guns-on-Campus Debate Matters

    As of August 1, 2016, a new law allows concealed handguns in college and university buildings. We’re about to find out what difference guns in the classroom make in the relationships of students, faculty and staff—and in the character of higher education.

  • Dolan: It’s Time to Get Cops Out of Schools

    There’s only one way to make sure no more young girls are body-slammed by uniformed officers

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    Winslow: Teachers Hold Walk-in Protests in 30 Cities

    The walk-in tactic was inspired by North Carolina teachers, who organized a series of these grassroots protests across the state in 2013 against education cuts. Other teacher unions soon picked up the idea

  • Essif: Why Libraries Matter More Than Ever in the Age of Google

    If you were airdropped blindfolded into a strange town and given nothing but a bus ticket, to where would you ride that bus? You might be surprised to learn that there’s only one good answer, and that’s the public library

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    Wittner: The $7 Million University President

    Despite repeated complaints about Jackson from faculty and students, RPI’s board of trustees has invariably expressed its total confidence in her. This unwavering support appears to be based not only on Jackson’s fundraising prowess, but on the corporate approach that she and the board share

  • Woodall: Philadelphia Students Strike to Support Teachers

    On Monday, the SRC voted to cast aside the expired Philadelphia Federation of Teachers (PFT) contract and require teachers to begin contributing to the cost of their health insurance premiums on December 15

  • Bliss: A Battle Rages At FSU

    “The corporate/political influence on Bense’s PSAC is blatant and unapologetic,” say members of the FSU Progress Coalition, a bloc of students, faculty, and campus organizations opposed to Thrasher’s candidacy and the current search process

  • Breslin: Standardized Testing and the Third Reich

    Teachers are morally conflicted by the utter mindlessness and the coarsening effect of what they are forced to put children through. They cannot even imagine the kind of mentality of an Education Secretary of a modern civilized nation who could inflict such untold damage on a generation of children

  • Rosenberg: Mismanagement, Abuse in Charter Schools

    The predictable perils of turning education into a poorly regulated business

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