Category: Class

Kali Holloway: Bernie Sanders Rips Trump for Smoke-and-Mirrors Carrier Deal: ‘Workers Should Be Very Nervous’

Saving just half the jobs while giving a huge corporate tax break is not going to help American workers

Pete Dolack: A basic income is less than meets the eye

A basic income — the concept of everybody getting a regular check from the government regardless of circumstance — is one of those ideas that sound wonderful on the surface but proves to be much less so once we examine the details. An idea that seems to have gained more traction recently, a basic income is Read more…

Cornel West: This is What Neo-Fascism Looks Like

Trump has already betrayed working people in terms of making sure, in his view, that Wall Street is in the driver’s seat

Dean Baker: Trump and Pence Put on a Show

Our trade negotiators weren’t suckers, as Trump seems to believe. They just weren’t working for the country’s blue-collar workers. We will have to see who they work for in a Trump administration

Curtis Black: Low-Wage Workers Prepare to Step Up Pay Fight in Trump Era

Any effort to block wage increases, gut workers’ rights or healthcare, deport immigrants, or support racism or racist policies, will be met with unrelenting opposition

Patrick Bayer: Black-White Earnings Gap Returns to 1950 Levels

“We clearly need to create better job opportunities for everyone in the lower rungs of the economic ladder, where work has become increasingly hard to come by”

Josh Bivens: Already a big gap between Trump’s promises to the middle class and his policies

The wedge between implied promises and delivered reality to working-class households already looks awfully large, and will likely just grow over time

Noam Chomsky: The new Trump era

Interview on how Trump managed to win

John Feffer: What Europe Can Teach Us about Trump

As America braces itself for the landfall of Hurricane Trump, it’s instructive to look at Europe’s populist leaders for they hold clues to our future

Adolph Reed Jr.: Mazzocchi and the Moment

Democratic neoliberalism has generated its own version of a left wing that not only has little place for the working class; it even denigrates them

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