Category: Resources

Michael T. Klare: The Desperate Plight of Petro-States

With a Busted Business Model, Oil Economies Head for the Unknown

Marsha Coleman-Adebayo: The Flint Chess Game: The Politics of the Battlefield

Thousands of Flint citizens were poisoned with hundreds of children facing a life-time of medical and intellectual challenges

Nika Knight: As Dems Debate Fossil Fuels, New Report Shows Fracking Worse Than Thought

New data shows fracking’s effects on public health, wildlife, economies, and communities, adding context as Dems debate fracking on national stage

Pete Dolack: There’s no place for clean water under ‘free trade’

That last ruling provides the essence of “free trade” agreements — the accumulation of corporate power to override all democratic controls over health, safety, environmental or labor safeguards

José Adán Silva: Climate Change Dries Up Nicaragua

Nicaragua has lost 60 percent of its surface water sources and up to 50 percent of its underground sources, which either dried up or have been polluted

Melissa Mays: “We Need a Public Health Disaster Declaration”

This week Michigan Republican Governor Rick Snyder testified for the first time before Congress about lead poisoning in the water supply of Flint, Michigan, which began after he appointed an unelected emergency manager who switched the source of the city’s drinking water to the corrosive Flint River. Snyder testified along with EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy Read more…

Sue Sturgis: A ‘victory for people over politics’ as feds cancel Atlantic drilling plans

“This is a victory for people over politics and shows the importance of old-fashioned grassroots organizing”

Michael T. Klare: Energy Wars of Attrition

The Irony of Oil Abundance

Frank Joyce: The Big Lesson From Flint: Resistance Is NOT Futile

Few topics in recent memory have generated as much attention from the mainstream and alternative media as Flint’s water crisis.  Not surprisingly, the right wing press has barely covered it at all. Is there anything about the water crisis that hasn’t already been said?  I think so. Our daily selection of the problems and crises Read more…

Amy Goodman: Michigan’s Water Wars

In October 2014, General Motors recognized the Flint water was corroding its engines. They got permission from the city’s unelected emergency manager—who was appointed by Republican Governor Rick Snyder—to disconnect from Flint’s water and go back to Detroit water. It would be another year before the people of Flint were finally allowed to disconnect from Read more…

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