Category: Race/Minorities

Michael Albert: The Dolezal Controversy: Passing – or Choosing?

Maybe we can agree that a cultural community ought to allow exit and entry as a quite minimal condition of having healthy cultural and community relations

Bill Fletcher: Guns, Settlers & Race

Gun ownership in the U.S. was a defining feature of whiteness

Dave Zirin: Gentrification Is the Real Scandal Surrounding Jackie Robinson West

The public funds for the infrastructure that baseball demands simply do not exist, but the land required for diamonds are the crown jewels of urban real estate

Marwan Bishara: Obama’s short memory

Obama said nothing about how proxy and other western wars have created the fertile grounds for the type of extremism that has been evolving and spreading in the Arab and Muslim world

Andrew Gavin Marshall: From Ferguson to Freedom

The protests resulting from events in Ferguson and New York have spurred a nation-wide anti-police brutality and social justice movement

Romi Mahajan: Where are the South Asians?

The paucity of South Asians in progressive politics is distressing, even alarming

Richard Falk: Pope Francis, Salman Rushdie, and Charlie Hebdo

Enlarging the context in which the Charlie Hebdo events are understood beyond a highlight film clip in ‘the war on terror’

Sonali Kolhatkar: Seeing Ferguson Clearly

Double Standards That Expose White Supremacy

Jenee Desmond-Harris: Why Darren Wilson wasn’t charged for killing Michael Brown

Wilson was a police officer. And the law is relatively easy on police officers who kill people in the line of duty

Carla Murphy: Here’s More On That St. Louis Symphony Flash Mob

What’s next for the upcoming Weekend of Resistance?

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