Category: Intercommunalism

Jessica Davies: Women Lead Struggles to Transform the World

The women of El Barrio and the Zapatista women of La Realidad are two examples of how women in struggle all over the world are coming together to inspire and learn from each other

Michael Albert: Chapter 5 of Occupy Vision: InterCommunalism

Chapter 5 of Occupy Vision: InterCommunalism This is the chapter five of Occupy Vision, which is the second volume of the three volume set titled Fanfare for the Future. In coming days we will post the book’s eight chapters. You can find out more about Occupy Theory, Occupy Vision, and Occupy Strategy, as well as how to purchase the Read more…

Tali Shapiro: The Fourth World War

From the front-lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Palestina, Korea, ‘the North’ from Seattle to Genova, and the ‘War on Terror’ in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq. It is the story of men and women around the world who resist being annihilated in this war.

Mike Morin: Planning and Implementation as It Relates to a Post-Peak Fossil Fuel Economy

It is a myth that Regional Planning has not occurred in all these areas of interest. Regional Planning of water systems, highway, roads, and other infrastructure has occurred on a very large scale with Federal, State and Local Collusion between the public sector and the Corporate and Development Interests. It was all done within the Read more…

Badri Raina: L.K.Advani and the Mythology of “Sadness”

Ki  merE  qatL  kE ba’d us NE jafA  sE taobA,   hAE! Us  zUd  paSEmAn kA  paSEmAn  hoNA   (Mirza Ghalib).   (She swore she would no longer tease     When she had me slain for fun;  That remorse should have so stricken her   After the deed was done.)   (Raina’s  Ghalib, 1984).                                                           Read more…

Badri Raina: The Liberhan Report

On  December 6,1992, hordes of  right-wing Hindutva extremists (called karsevaks)  took the town of Ayodhya hostage with the full and willing connivance of the then state government of Uttar Pradesh and in physical presence of most of the  top leaders of the Sangh Parivar (the RSS and its affiliates/fronts like the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, the Read more…

Hernan Espinoza: Closing down the new feature testing attempt

  I want to wish a quick and successful job hunting to Khin, not only because the economic crisis is hard on every one, including us elders, who have to stretch to the limits the SS monthly check to survive, but also because it will be great to count with a practitioner of the "occult Read more…

Pervez Hoodbhoy: The Saudi-isation of Pakistan

The common belief in Pakistan is that Islamic radicalism is a problem only in FATA, and that madrassas are the only institutions serving as jihad factories. This is a serious misconception. Extremism is breeding at a ferocious rate in public and private schools within Pakistan‘s towns and cities. Left unchallenged, this education will produce a Read more…

Peter Ward: Capitalism: Cuba’s New Ally?

A spam email I received from (strangely enough, I’ve been thinking about going to Cuba): Dear Peter, At CheapTickets we believe passionately in the power of travel to transform lives. And we believe that people should have the freedom to travel wherever they choose. Americans today have the right to travel to any country Read more…

Andrej Grubacic: Don’t Mourn, Balkanize!

A decade or so ago, during the European humanitarian adventure in the Balkans, Michael Nicholson, an eminent British journalist, wrote in his "Natasha’s Story" that "The ferocity of the Balkan peoples has at times been so primitive that anthropologists have likened them to the Amazon’s Yanamamo, one of the world’s most savage and primitive tribes. Read more…

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