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ZMag Culture/Race
  • Windham: Working Class Feminism

    Young women are leading the most exciting and dynamic aspects of the 21st-century progressive movement, and they’ve been at this for a while now

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    Daniels: A Third Force

    An independent Third Force must be multifaceted with the capacity to utilize community organizing, campaigns around issues, protests, marches, demonstrations, boycotts, elections and policy advocacy to advance a vision/mission and agenda for transformative change

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    Grossman: Fusing Identity and Class Politics in “Trumpland”

    We should begin to ask ourselves: if we lived in Europe during the rise of fascism in the 1920s or early 1930s, what would we actually do to stop it?

  • Barber II: Why We Are Protesting in Charlotte

    Instead, let’s look again at the vast, diverse majority of the protesters. This is what democracy looks like. We cannot let politicians use the protests as an excuse to back reactionary “law and order” measures. Instead, we must march and vote together for policies that will lift up the whole and ensure the justice that makes true peace possible.

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    Lesher: Blindness of Privilege

    Because the recent shootings at the Peachtree Mall in Columbus,...

  • Barber: Why It’s Possible to Reject the Klan and Still Support Racism

    We can neither forgive nor ignore the way 400 years of white supremacy have been naively reduced to whether a candidate will disavow the support of a hate group leader. Racism lives on in policies that perpetuate racial disparities, with or without the KKK.

  • Piascik: The Northern Student Movement

    Tens of thousands of young Americans were inspired by the lunch counter sit-ins that began in Greensboro, North Carolina and spread throughout the South. NSM Students at Yale University were no exception and some of them got together in the Fall of 1961 to form the NSM.

  • Isaacs: Hurricane Sandy Is Still Drowning The Poor

    It is a few months short of three years since Hurricane Sandy barreled down on NYC. The flooded subways have new barriers. The submerged hospital generators are back in order. The boardwalks along the shore are up and trod by beachgoers once again. But what of the thousands of poor renters, most on public assistance, who lost their homes that day? I don’t know all their stories. I only know one intimately, and it is not a happy story.

  • Greenberg: Race Curriculum Controversy

    In 2001, I was hired to help open the Center School, a small school in Seattle Public Schools, and I began teaching the Race Unit in 2002. Drawing in part from a district-wide training on racism called Courageous Conversations, the Race Unit established safe norms for racial dialogue

  • Isaacs: From Baltimore to Palestine

    The increasingly militarized attacks on rebellious neighborhoods in the U.S. seem more and more like armed forces brought to bear on Palestinians in the Middle East.


Culture/Race Audio


Culture/Race Video
  • Windham: Working Class Feminism

    Young women are leading the most exciting and dynamic aspects of the 21st-century progressive movement, and they’ve been at this for a while now

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    Daniels: A Third Force

    An independent Third Force must be multifaceted with the capacity to utilize community organizing, campaigns around issues, protests, marches, demonstrations, boycotts, elections and policy advocacy to advance a vision/mission and agenda for transformative change

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    Grossman: Fusing Identity and Class Politics in “Trumpland”

    We should begin to ask ourselves: if we lived in Europe during the rise of fascism in the 1920s or early 1930s, what would we actually do to stop it?

  • Barber II: Why We Are Protesting in Charlotte

    Instead, let’s look again at the vast, diverse majority of the protesters. This is what democracy looks like. We cannot let politicians use the protests as an excuse to back reactionary “law and order” measures. Instead, we must march and vote together for policies that will lift up the whole and ensure the justice that makes true peace possible.

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    Lesher: Blindness of Privilege

    Because the recent shootings at the Peachtree Mall in Columbus,...





Culture/Race Books


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