Category: Anarchy

Staughton Lynd: Anarchism, Marxism, And Victor Serge

A review of Anarchists Never Surrender: Essays, Polemics, and Correspondence on Anarchism, 1908-1938, ed. and translated by Mitchell Abidor

Michael Albert: Anarchism?!

Anarchism has a whole lot going for it and could well become the main 21st century source of movement inspiration and wisdom in the effort to make our world a much better place

Petar Stanchev: Mr. Anarchist, we need to have a chat about colonialism

Western anarchists still prefer to retreat into their own ideological ivory towers and claim superior knowledge and righteousness through empty statements about the “spineless” radicalism of other people — especially those in the Global South

Debbie Bookchin: Bookchin: Living legacy of an American revolutionary

Interview with Debbie Bookchin, who provides valuable insights into her father’s political legacy

Noam Chomsky: Ecology, Ethics, Anarchism

Interview on the present and future role of anarchism, anarcho-syndicalism, and indigenous struggle in terms of the profound ecological crisis we confront today as a result of capitalist hegemony

George Ciccariello-Maher: El Libertario: Beware Venezuela’s False ‘Anarchists’

Before expressing our solidarity, we should be clear who it is we are supporting

Noam Chomsky: On Anarchy & Anarcho-Syndicalism

Interview on anarcho-syndicalism: what it is, how it arises, and how it can be applied by people that want to affect positive change in the world

Noam Chomsky: “A People Centered Society”

Bridgewater, MA “Noam Chomsky will talk about social justice and a people-centered movements when he speaks on Thursday at the Unitarian Universalist Church.” Organiser Michael Louis Ippolito of Bridgewater hopes Thursday’s talk also raises awareness of a movement to amend the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution which would abolish the legal personhood of corporate Read more…

James Yeoman: Anarchism, Voting Abstention and Russell Brand

Russell Brand’s recent editorial in the New Statesman and his subsequent appearance on Newsnight has attracted a significant amount of scrutiny this week. Brand had a lot to say on his ‘disenchantment’ with British politics, his disdain for the corrupt ‘frauds’ and ‘liars’ of every party, and his personal experiences with several types of protest Read more…

Noam Chomsky: A Brief Interview with Noam Chomsky on Anarchy, Civilization and Technology

Noam Chomsky interviewed by Lev Chernyi, Toni Otter, Avid Darkly and Noa Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, April 1, 1991 This very brief interview was obtained immediately after Noam Chomsky arrived in Columbia, Missouri to deliver a lecture on “The New World Order” on April 1, 1991. Unfortunately, when taping began in the middle Read more…

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