Category: North America

Pete Dolack: Revised NAFTA another Trump scam

The Trump administration is actually composed of large industrialists and financiers, to a degree perhaps unprecedented in modern times, so all the more are those interests promoted

Alleen Brown: A New Standing Rock?

n British Columbia’s southern interior, on unceded land of the Secwepemc Nation, Kanahus Manuel stands alongside a 7-by-12-foot “tiny house” mounted on a trailer. Her uncle screws a two-by-four into a floor panel while her brother-in-law paints a mural on the exterior walls depicting a moose, birds, forests, and rivers — images of the terrain Read more…

David Swanson: Worldwide Hurricane

We have to collectively and selflessly work together cooperatively, without any let-up or discouragement, until we free, not one wronged person, but a whole wronged species

Various Contributors: Opposing attempts to equate antisemitism with criticism of Israel

Independent Jewish Voices Canada (IJV) has joined 35 Jewish organizations worldwide in a statement condemning global attempts to stifle criticism of Israel

Yves Engler: Trump Threatens Canada

Instead of responding to Trump’s belligerence by ramping up military preparedness —which the US president demanded in a letter to the Prime Minister last week — we should be debating the point of a Canadian “defence”

Juan Cole: G7 Views Trump’s US as Rogue State

France Threatens a “G6” Memo

Yves Engler: Cars for Housing

Who could possibly be against doing something that would be both good for the environment and improve housing affordability in our biggest cities?

Laurel Albina: Contracted Hospital Workers Win Job Security

For the first time in 15 years, 4,000 subcontracted hospital housekeepers and dietary workers in British Columbia have job security

Yves Engler: Art and Propaganda

Would it surprise you to learn the Canadian military spends millions on art and history?

Ashifa Kassam: Cancel our pay rise and spend money elsewhere

Nearly 800 doctors and medical residents in the Canadian province of Quebec have signed a letter protesting against plans to raise their pay

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