Category: Israel/Palestine

Killian Redden: Criticism mounts over massive Israeli ‘land grab’ in West Bank

Palestinian and international leaders joined a growing chorus of criticism this week over Israel’s recent seizure of hundreds of acres of land in the southern occupied West Bank

Ramzy Baroud: Why BDS Cannot Lose: A Moral Threshold to Combat Racism in Israel

BDS has, thus far, been the most successful strategy and tactic to support Palestinian Resistance

Philip Weiss: ‘We wasted 40 years talking about nothing, doing nothing’

The settler colonial model is accurate because it captures the spirit of Zionism from 1882 to the present: a project to settle the land and deal with the indigenous people by a process of “elimination and dehumanization”

Richard Falk: A Somewhat Anguished Open Letter to Blog Subscribers

Productive conversation on controversial issues is possible and useful

Robert Fisk: Returning to the scene of a war crime: amid the vile slums of Sabra and Shatila, hope glows

As a witness to the massacre of 1982, I went back often to this place of memories and ghosts, to talk to the survivors

Edward S. Herman: King of Chaos

If Hillary Clinton was Queen of Chaos, Obama is surely King. Iraq, Libya, and Syria have been reduced to a chaotic state, and Obama has a heavy responsibility for these developments. There was also Obama’s widening use of drone warfare and declared right and intention to bomb any perceived threat to U.S. “national security” anyplace on earth.

Michael Lesher: Don’t condemn Palestinians for resisting the occupation of their land, condemn the occupation itself

Stop making victims out of the oppressors. Name the true victims. Call the occupiers by their right names

Robin D.G. Kelley: Yes, I Said “National Liberation”

As they reach out to Palestine, and Palestine reaches back to Ferguson, the potential for a new basis for solidarity is being born — one rooted in revolution

Sarah Lazare: Israel Announces $26 Million Cyberattack on BDS Movement and Muslim Social Media Users in the West

In coordination with the Israeli tech industry, government unleashes a new spy and sabotage plan

Kate Aronoff: BDS movement and common sense face threat from UK government ban

Earlier this week, the British government announced a new Tory-led parliamentary measure that will inflict “severe penalties” onto local governments and public institutions that boycott goods and services on an “ethical” (as opposed to purely financial) basis, including divestment. Planned to coincide with British Cabinet Office Minister Matthew Hancock’s visit to Israel this week, the Read more…

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