Category: Iraq

Tom Engelhardt: Mosul on My Mind

What It Really Means to Be on a “Flattening” Planet

Mustafa Habib: Iraqi Elections infected by Fake News

The latest trend in politics in Iraq involves the creation of seemingly innocuous Facebook pages, that are used to spread rumours and lies about the opposition.

Patrick Cockburn: Dying of Starvation

People trapped in the Old City of Mosul are dying of hunger because they have not received any food for almost three weeks

Patrick Cockburn: Civilians in Western Mosul Shot At

Civilians trying to flee the besieged Isis-held enclave in west Mosul are being shot dead by Isis and Iraqi army snipers as they try to cross the Tigris River

Evan Sandlin: A Crime Against Humanity?

When U.S. rivals committed atrocities in Aleppo, Western talking heads were appalled. But when the U.S. supports them in Mosul? Silence

Danny Sjursen: The Surge Delusion

An Iraq War Anniversary to Forget

Patrick Cockburn: Iraq army makes big gains in battle to oust Isis from Mosul stronghold

The real situation in front line positions in and around west Mosul is unclear because the Iraqi government reports only successes and never mentions setbacks or defeats

Patrick Cockburn: Iraqi forces begin bitter battle for Mosul in effort to destroy Isis

There are an estimated 4,000 jihadi fighters defending the close-packed houses and narrow alleyways in the half of the city west of the Tigris River, which is inhabited by some 650,000 civilians

Patrick Cockburn: Mosul will be completely ‘destroyed’ in battle to liberate it from Isis, senior Iraqi politician warns

The Iraqi armed forces will eventually capture west Mosul, which is still held by Isis fighters, but the city itself will be destroyed in the fighting, a senior Iraqi politician told The Independent in an interview. Hoshyar Zebari, a Kurdish leader who until last year was the Iraqi finance minister and prior to that the Read more…

Robert Fisk: A meeting in Berlin with a fellow journalist and old friend from Iraq

Change the words, delete the names, and history slips out of sight. Truth turned into lies. I guess that’s where journalism comes in

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