Category: Iran

Juan Cole: Obama in Hiroshima, Memorial Day and the Iran Deal

The MIC is so powerful that sooner or later they will get a candidate into the White House and turn some ramshackle third world piggy bank upside down and shake out its billions into their accounts

Peyman Jafari: Iran After the Elections

Iran’s radical left must build on the space opened by reformists in recent elections

Juan Cole: “Tehran is liberated territory” as Pragmatists & Centrists win Iranian Capital & Expert Assembly

The era of former Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, also a former mayor of Tehran, is completely over

James M. Dorsey: Saudi Arabia’s Syria strategy: Rewriting the Middle East’s Political Map

Saudi Arabia has raised the ante in its battle with Iran by publicly committing to send ground troops to Syria

Vijay Prashad: The Arab Spring Must Go Through Riyadh

“Thought only sees in reality what a specific formation shows it.” Mahdi ‘Amil, 1936-1987. Popular rebellions reflect the urges of a people, but they are themselves not always capable of victory. If the structure of a social order in a particular formation is weakened by war or by economic turmoil, then the popular rebellions might Read more…

Immanuel Wallerstein: Saudi-Iranian Collaboration: A Forgotten Story

On January 2, 2016, the Sunni government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) executed the leading imam of the Shia community in KSA. The Shiite government of Iran denounced this execution, as did governments throughout the world, and avowed there would be consequences. Since that time, the rhetoric has continued to escalate, and the Read more…

Stephen Kinzer: The United States Shouldn’t Choose Saudi Arabia Over Iran

Saudi Arabia’s decision to provoke this crisis was aimed at least in part at forcing the United States to take sides

Patrick Cockburn: Syria crisis: Let’s welcome Russia’s entry into this war

The Russians and Iranians should be integrated as far as possible into any talks about the future of Syria

Juan Cole: Syria: Is there a Russian-Iranian Dispute over Fate of al-Assad?

Russia and Iran don’t see eye to eye about the future of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad after their military intervention in the civil war, according to correspondent Basil Muhammad of the Kuwaiti dailiy al-Siyasah (“Politics”). Mr. Muhammad says he interviewed a member of the Iraqi parliament who declined to speak on the record. This individual Read more…

Gareth Porter: Rouhani’s dual messages and Iran’s security strategy

Rouhani’s UN message has opened the door on engagement with the US but insists that cooperation on resisting IS is the priority in Syria

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