Category: Middle East

Patrick Cockburn: Erdogan’s referendum victory

Turkey is surrounded by many actual or potential enemies – Syrian, Kurdish, Iranian, Russian – who see how easy it will be to exploit and exacerbate the country’s deep divisions

Danny Sjursen: How to Lose the Next War in the Middle East

The Short Answer: Fight it!

Jonathan Cook: Israel celebrates 50 years as occupier

Fifty years on, the colonisation of East Jerusalem and the West Bank is so entrenched that a two-state solution is nothing more than a pipe dream

Rebecca Vilkomerson: Israeli Government Petrified of BDS Movement

It is more disturbing that many Jewish organizations are more focused on demonizing Palestinian rights advocacy rather than combating the antisemitism of white supremacists empowered by the Trump administration

Charlotte Silver: Palestinians launch mass hunger strike

More than 1,500 Palestinians held by Israel began a mass hunger strike on 17 April – Palestinian Prisoners’ Day

Juan Cole: Turkish Democracy in Trouble

Turkey is in essence moving from a British parliamentary system to a French presidential one

Jim Lobe: Syria: Neocons Almost Giddy

Not surprisingly, neocons are pressing for more

Richard Falk: Irish Recollections

After the Cork Conference on ‘International Law and the State of Israel’

Güney Işıkara: Voting on Dictatorship

The referendum in Turkey is about one thing: Erdoğan’s brazen bid for dictatorial power

Gareth Porter: New Revelations Belie Trump Claims

The alleged device for a sarin attack could not have been delivered from the air but only from the ground, meaning that the chemical attack may not have been the result of the Syrian airstrike

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