Category: Chile

Greg Grandin: The United States Didn’t Just Help Topple Allende—We Trained the Economists, Too

A new documentary, Chicago Boys, looks at the Chilean economists who brought neoliberalism from the halls of Chicago to the policies of Latin America

Michael E. Tigar: The Letelier-Moffitt Assassination: New Evidence

The Guardian reports that Chilean President Augusto Pinochet personally ordered the assassination of Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt, in Washington, D.C. in September 1976. So, you may say, what’s new?  After all, my partner Sam Buffone and I sued Chile for these murders and won a judgment.  At the trial, our expert witness said that Read more…

René Rojas: Challenging Chile’s Neoliberal Consensus

New movements in Chile are fighting to bring down the country’s post-Pinochet establishment Chile police deploy tear gas, water cannons as 200,000-strong rally turns violent

The latest student rally that gathered some 200,000 people on the eve of the Copa America, the South American football championship, has turned violent with Santiago police shooting tear gas and water cannons

Marta Harnecker: The challenges of advancing toward socialism via the institutional road

From Allende’s Chile to Chávez’s Venezuela

Robert Hunziker: Chile’s Plantation Economy

Neoliberalism is an economy theory that works extremely well, if you are already rich

Sebastian Rosemont: Chilean Activists Change the Rules of the Game

Although many of the protests of 2011 — the year of Occupy Wall Street — have faded, Chilean students and workers managed to win many of their demands

Emily Achtenberg: Fuerza Valpo! Solidarity, Resistance, and Recovery In the Wake of Valparaíso Fires

Similar to the links forged between Occupy activists and communities decimated by Hurricane Sandy, these alliances have now given rise to a nascent community-based reconstruction planning initiative

Ben Dangl: Chile’s Student Movement Leads the Way

Progressive Prospects for Michelle Bachelet’s Second Term

Samuel Grove: Another Chile is Possible

As a new documentary revisits Chile’s student uprisings of 2011, one of its producers, Samuel Grove, provides the context and background behind the film

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