Category: Brazil

Julio Escalona: Venezuela’s Constituent Assembly and the Rise of Fascism

A former guerrilla and active member of the National Constituent Assembly talks with VA about the class struggle in the countryside and the looming menace of the ultra-right in Brazil

Zaid Jilani: U.S. Executives: Bolsonaro a “Bullish Opportunity for Us”

Financial markets appear more than happy to overlook the authoritarian impulses and violent promises of Brazilian presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro, hoping he will deliver decisive, pro-business economic policies

Lee Fang: U.S. Lawmakers Want “Severe Consequences” for Brazil

In response to the simmering crisis, several representatives in the U.S. are calling on the State Department to remain vigilant about the potential for the breakdown of Brazilian civil society

Walden Bello: A Letter to Brazil, from a Friend Living Under Duterte

Brazil is on the verge of electing a Duterte-style fascist. What can the left do?

Vijay Prashad: The growing international alliance of right-wing demagogues

Bolsonaro has been proud to say that he is “Brazil’s Trump.” But this is not a good comparison. It is clearer to say that Bolsonaro is Brazil’s Duterte

Lucio Garriga: ‘We’re not afraid to confront fascism’

Interview on the rise of the “Bolsonaro phenomenon”

Glenn Greenwald: Bolsonaro’s New Brazil Investigatng Journalists

It’s one thing for Macedo to use his massive wealth and media empire to elect a fascist. It’s another entirely for him to exploit and abuse those media outlets to intimidate, investigate, and threaten journalists

Vijay Prashad: Advantage Bolsonaro

As the final round of a polarised election nears, Brazil’s future tilts towards the far-right

Rosana Pinheiro-Machado: Jair Bolsonaro Wants Brazilian Cops to Kill More

So Why Are Victims of Police Violence Voting for Him?

Gianpaolo Baiocchi: Who Supports Brazil’s New Strongman?

While the result of the election is still undefined, one thing is certain: Brazilian politics, as they were instituted during the transition to democracy in the 1980s, will never be the same

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