Category: Bolivia

Ben Dangl: The Implications of Bolivia’s Referendum

Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president, who rose to prominence as a union leader among coca farmers and as a dissident congressperson, has won three general elections, including a 2014 victory with over 60 percent of the vote, and is now in his tenth year in power

Bret Gustafson: Bolivia After the “No” Vote

Beyond the defeat of Evo Morales’ referendum, political struggles wage on

Angus McNelly: Evo Morales and the limits of 21st century socialism

A referendum has exposed the contradictions and tensions at the heart of Bolivian politics after ten years of MAS leadership

Ben Dangl: The Horizon of Evo Morales’ Long Decade in Power: Implications of Bolivia’s Referendum Results

The future of the country will still be in the hands of the Bolivian people who, over the last decade and a half, kicked out multinational corporations, ousted neoliberal tyrants, faced down US imperialism, and expanded imagination of what is politically possible

Jeffrey R. Webber: Bolivia’s Passive Revolution

Evo Morales’s government has increasingly incorporated conservative elements into the Bolivian state

Federico Fuentes: Is Vice President Garcia Cracking Down on Dissent in Bolivia?

Recent statements by Bolivia’s Vice President Alvaro Garcia regarding nongovernmental organisations in Bolivia have triggered off a heated debate on the left

Federico Fuentes: How Rejecting Neoliberalism Rescued Bolivia’s Economy

The majority agree with their government’s strategy because Morales has remained true to his word of “governing by obeying” the people

Federico Fuentes: Why the media distorts Bolivia’s environmental record

When Bolivian President Evo Morales announced in May that his government was allowing oil and gas drilling in national parks, mainstream and progressive media outlets alike were quick to condemn his supposed hypocrisy on environmental issues. Writing for the Associated Press, Frank Bajak argued that although known internationally for his outspoken campaigning on climate change, Read more…

Marina Sitrin: Fifteen Years of Community Controlled Water in Cochabamba

Marina Sitrin interviews Marcela Olivera, an activist in Bolivia’s water wars of 2000 and their ongoing legacy

Jim Shultz: The Case That Blew the Lid Off the World Bank’s Secret CourtsT

How Bolivian protesters and global activists exposed the dark side of global trade pacts and paved the way for the battles to come

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