Category: South America

Conn Hallinan: A Very Brazilian Coup

On one level, the impeachment of Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff seems like vintage commedia dell’arte: the Lower House speaker who brought the charges, Eduardo Cunha, had to step down because he has $16 million stashed in secret Swiss and U.S. bank accounts. The man who replaced Cunha, Waldir Maranhao, is implicated in corruption around the Read more…

Sue Branford: Brazil: Recolonising a continent

Examining the past failures and future prospects of the left in Brazil in the face of a concerted US-backed right-wing offensive

Glenn Greenwald: New Political Earthquake in Brazil: Is It Now Time for Media Outlets to Call This a “Coup”?

The conversations include discussions of the important role played in Dilma’s removal by the most powerful national institutions, including — most importantly — Brazil’s military leaders

Sabrina Fernandes: The Right Marches on Brazil

Brazil’s interim government is orchestrating a stunning transfer of power to the country’s elites

Patrick Bond: Imperialism’s Junior Partners

The response to the Brazilian coup shows that the BRICS powers are not a real alternative to US imperialism

Tamara Pearson: Media Wars: The Role of the Left When Venezuela’s Imperfect Revolution is Under Attack

The best way to counter the media war on Venezuela is to do what they don’t do: offer in depth, contextualised, critical coverage

Dilma Rousseff: First Interview With Brazil’s President Dilma Rousseff Since the Senate’s Impeachment Vote

Interview on the current situation in Brazil and whether it is now justified for Brazilians to use civil disobedience against the government she describes as “illegitimate”

Luiz ignacio lula Da silva: Lula: Media, US-Friendly Elites Responsible for Brazil’s Coup

Lula told teleSUR that new Senate-imposed interim President Michel Temer is making decisions that do not correspond to an interim, democratic government. Former Brazilian President and political leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva spoke with teleSUR Thursday night in an exclusive interview about the current situation in his country, following the suspension of President Dilma Read more…

Immanuel Wallerstein: The Politics Behind Brazil’s Crisis

The struggle is worldwide and the Brazilian left can either play a major role in it or slip into global irrelevance and national misery

Atilio Boron: Taking power by storm in Brazil

The PT’s tendency to slow down the mobilizations and de-organize the popular movement that had begun in the first stage of Lula’s administration, would leave Dilma unprotected against the attacks of the right

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