Category: Nicaragua

Jonah Walters: Ortega’s Betrayal

Today’s Sandinista leaders are a far cry from the revolutionaries that once inspired the international left

José Adán Silva: Climate Change Dries Up Nicaragua

Nicaragua has lost 60 percent of its surface water sources and up to 50 percent of its underground sources, which either dried up or have been polluted

Leonidas Oikonomakis: Nicaragua and the Ghosts of Revolution

One could suggest that Nicaragua and its people are suffering more than anything else from a collective trauma

Leonidas Oikonomakis: Nicaragua and the ghosts of revolution

Over two decades after a devastating civil war, the people of Nicaragua are still plagued by the haunting memories of what could have been

Al Gedicks: Globalized Mining Resistance from El Salvador to Wisconsin

The environmental devastation from past and ongoing gold mining operations in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras has provoked a formidable Salvadoran social movement that has been educating and organizing communities for a total ban against metallic mining in El Salvador.

Lauren McCauley: Amid Uproar, Nicaragua to Break Ground on Massive Canal ‘Scheme’

Opponents of the project say inter-ocean canal will displace tens of thousands, violates the constitutional rights of indigenous people

Stuart C. Felipe: Letter from Managua on Bolivarian Venezuela

The CELAC Second Summit, hosted by the revolutionary socialist government of Cuba, registered in spades that the new continental organization had successfully weathered not a few storms and cold fronts unleashed by Washington

Felicity Butler: Value Us! Fair Pay For Domestic Work In Nicaragua

‘You no longer have to lower your head and wait for the man to tell you what to do; now we make our own decisions and share activities and responsibilities with our partners.’   Adilia Amador Sevilla from Achuapa, Nicaragua An innovative development is currently taking place in Nicaragua. A number of co-operatives with Fair Read more…

Jonathan Watts: Venezuela And Nicaragua Offer Asylum To Edward Snowden

Venezuela and Nicaragua have offered asylum to Edward Snowden, the US whistleblower who is believed to have spent the past two weeks at a Moscow airport evading US attempts to extradite him. The Venezuelan president, Nicolas Maduro, and his Nicaraguan counterpart, Daneil Ortega, made the asylum offers on Friday, shortly after they and other Latin Read more…

Michael Kelly: Nicaragua Notes: The Watchmen, the Hunters and Gatherers, the Street Vendors

The Watchmen In Managua one finds uniformed guards in front of the banks, in the shopping malls like Metro Centro, in the grocery stores, and anywhere else there is likely to substantial amounts of money. These men have the status bestowed by a uniform and the authority commanded by carrying a pistol. One could say Read more…

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