Category: El Salvador

Federico Fuentes: El Salvador: In power, former guerrillas to hold first congress

Thirty-five years after its founding, El Salvador’s historic Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) is set to hold its first national congress at the end of October.

Michael Busch: El Salvador’s War on Terror

El Salvador risks sacrificing civil liberties and human rights in its war on terror against gangs

Michael Busch: El Salvador Struggles to Break Legacy of Civil War Violence

While protest movements are gaining steam in its regional neighbors, El Salvador descends further into social crisis

Rene Guerra: Salvadorans Warn Canadians about World Bank’s Kangaroo Court

“Salvadorans, Canadians, and many others elsewhere face a common threat. Let’s continue to call on our governments to withdraw from these treaties and provisions that leave us all so vulnerable”

Al Gedicks: Globalized Mining Resistance from El Salvador to Wisconsin

The environmental devastation from past and ongoing gold mining operations in El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras has provoked a formidable Salvadoran social movement that has been educating and organizing communities for a total ban against metallic mining in El Salvador.

Kevin Young: War By Other Means In El Salvador

Resistance inside and outside of government has forced a U.S. retreat on the seeds issue, protected water from privatization, helped compel a mining moratorium, and enabled policy changes like the Medicines Law and tax reform

Danica Jorden: El Salvador: Miscarriage of Justice

17 Women in Prison for Miscarrying Await Pardon

Pete Dolack: Clean Water as an Impediment to Corporate Profits

An Australian mining company insists its “right” to a guaranteed profit is superior to the right of El Salvador to clean drinking water

John Cavanagh: Golden Weapons of Destruction Take Aim at El Salvador

Why do companies have the right to sue countries over environmental protection measures?

Marta Harnecker: El Salvador, a New Progressive Hope in Latin America

The new El Salvador government faces the challenge of deepening the pro-majority changes that have occurred, while updating the historic experiences of a fighting and conscious people seeking social transformation

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