Category: Spain

Dick Nichols: Spain: As Podemos and United Left join forces, is a left government in sight?

The “second round” election on June 26 could open the door to the final breakdown of the two-party system and the beginning of a deep-going democratisation

Immanuel Wallerstein: The Possibilities of Anti-Austerity Politics: A Spanish Drama

Spain is in economic terms far more important for Europe and the world than Greece. As this drama plays out in Spain, the world will be watching, reacting, and drawing lessons.

Adam Hochschild: The Oilman Who Loved Dictators

Or How Texaco Supported Fascism

Dick Nichols: Spanish state

Basque leader Otegi freed as Podemos-PSOE war intensifies

Dick Nichols: After Spanish elections: establishment in funk over Podemos

As the wheeling and dealing drags on, it would be good if the Podemos, PSOE and IU-UP voters who want to see a left government were given the chance to demonstrate this sentiment publicly

Pablo Iglesias: A ‘government of change’ for Spain

For the first time, Spain could have a pluralist and progressive government

Dick Nichols: Catalonia: Premier falls on sword to allow pro-independence government to form

On January 9, the front-page headline of La Vanguardia, Catalonia’s establishment daily read: “Together For Yes and the CUP exhaust options for agreement — failure of negotiations opens the way for elections on March 6.” Talks within the pro-independence majority in the Catalan parliament — composed of the mainstream Together For Yes coalition and the Read more…

Eugene Nulman: 3 Reasons Podemos Hasn’t Ended Spain’s Two-Party System, Yet

The future of Podemos in Spain

Steve Rushton: Sea Change In Spanish Politics As Citizens Reclaim the City

Madrid’s city council recently broke the rules on its debts, prioritizing money for “social sustainability” over “financial sustainability”

Pablo Iglesias: Spain’s Socialists Must Stand Up To Rajoy’s Popular Party

The advancement of the state and the commitment to social justice and to fight corruption will guide our actions, so that Spain and its people can move forward

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