Category: Russia

Patrick Bond: BRICS-Johannesburg simultaneously disappoints and threatens

With Trump setting the agenda on the building and destruction of political alliances between states while wrecking prospects of multilateral action, the world requires a new generation of international leaders to develop a genuine alternative

Vijay Prashad: Trump and the Russian Hand

U.S. political debate is now structured around the phrase “Russian interference in the U.S. election”

Marjorie Cohn: Trump Threatens Iran to Distract From Russia Criticism and Appease Israel

Donald Trump’s all-caps tweet threatening Iran with “CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE” sounds much like his warning last fall that North Korea would be “met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.” Will Trump deliver on his threats against Iran, but not against North Korea? Read more…

Robert Fisk: Are we about to see the final battle of Syria?

Thanks to Donald Trump, it’s all over for the ‘rebels’ of Syria because they have been betrayed by the Americans – surely and finally by Trump himself in those secret discussions with Vladimir Putin

Alan MacLeod: The Utility of the RussiaGate Conspiracy

New McCarthyism allows corporate media to tighten grip, Democrats to ignore their own failings

John Feffer: Trump’s Dirty Money

Russian money saved Trump when his projects were on the verge of collapse. Will it now be the cause of his political demise?

Michael T. Klare: Entering a 1984 World, Trump-Style

Or Implementing the Sino-Russian Blueprint for a Tripolar World Order

Patrick Bond: State of the BRICS Class Struggle, Part 2

‘Social Dialogue’ Reform Frustrations

Patrick Bond: State of the BRICS class struggle

Repression, Austerity and Worker Militancy

Glenn Greenwald: Is Trump-Putin Summit a “Danger to America”?

Or Crucial Diplomacy Between Nuclear Powers?

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