Category: Italy

Richard Braude: A Barricade in Limbo: The Occupiers of La Locanda

The angry and defiant voices of the occupiers of La Locanda, may be the only hope for the ending such a system

Andrea Muehlebach: How to kill the demos: the water struggle in Italy

The politics of water in Italy starkly reveals the crisis of legitimacy that is rocking governments and compels us to ask how democracy can be regained

David Swanson: War Is a Force That Gives Us Idiocy

A war is not an ennobling adventure. Watching lies about it on television is not the same as “living” it would be

Danica Jorden: Our Seas: End of Mare Nostrum Spells Death in the Mediterranean

“Here we are, once again, in front of another tragedy, weeping for children who died in search of a future”

Dominique Vidal: Buying back ‘il manifesto’

The paper that came out of the Italian Communist Party of the 1960s has struggled on into a changed political and media world

Alfredo Mazzamauro: “An Injury to All”

Class struggle is back in Italy

Richard Falk: A Tale of Two Cities: Istanbul and Rome

It is no wonder that Istanbul and Rome are rated the first and second favorite cities in the world

Perry Anderson: The Italian Disaster

Europe is ill

Roberto Musacchio: The Italian Left Backing Tsipras

The project is called “The Different Europe with Alexis Tsipras”. Predictions indicate it could surpass, maybe even easily, the 4% electoral threshold

Jérôme Roos: Mobilizing for the Common: Some Lessons from Italy

Saturday’s protest in Rome was the latest in a series of actions around a common project. What can organizers elsewhere learn from Italy’s movements?

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