Category: France

Liam Barrington-Bush: Welcome to “the Jungle”: seeing beyond the chaos in Calais

Practices of mutual aid and collective solidarity have been at the heart of the Calais migrant camp, which is now threatened with destruction by the French state

Nick Riemer: The Roots of Islamophobia in France

The rise of Islamophobia in France grew out of elites’ need to manage working-class resistance

Immanuel Wallerstein: France’s Ultra-Confused Present

The multiple uncertainties within the parties in France make the recent back-stabbing within the British Conservative Party pale by comparison

Juan Cole: Nice, France, Attack: A Gandhian Response to Serial Killers

You want to reply effectively to Nice? Reject fear and reject hate

Jack Rasmus: Labor Uprising in France

Massive labor actions have been roiling France, as unions protest the policies of the nominally Socialist government

Murtaza Hussain: After Nice, Don’t Give ISIS What It’s Asking For

Not much is yet known about Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, the 31-year-old man French police say is responsible for a horrific act of mass murder last night in the southern city of Nice. In the wake of the killings, French President Francois Hollande has denounced the attack as “Islamist terrorism” linked to the militant group the Islamic State. Supporters of ISIS online Read more…

Renaud Lambert: French President Threatens to Outlaw Protests Against Labor Reforms

There are plenty of things happening on the political front. But this struggle against the law now is mainly led by trade unions

Ross Domoney: Clashes at general strike in Paris

Heavy clashes occur between protesters and police as hundreds of thousands take to the streets to oppose a proposed change in France’s labor law

Miguel Urbán Crespo: When France moves, all of Europe shakes

In order to change the world, we need friends in many countries

Richard Greeman: The French Stand Up

« We’ve had enough » is the phrase on everyone’s lips as – against all expectations –the wave of strikes, blockades, disruptions and mass demonstrations begun eleven days ago continues to develop throughout France. Indeed, in the past couple of days, two new strategic groups of workers have joined the protest.Technicians at France’s nuclear power plants are Read more…

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