Category: Memorial

Boaventura de Sousa Santos: Immanuel Wallerstein: In Memoriam

The best way to honor Immanuel Wallerstein’s memory is to carry on with our work bearing in mind the enthusiasm, the professionalism, and the brilliant manner in which he managed to combine scientific objectivity and commitment to the damned of the earth

Dick Flacks: Happy Birthday, Pete Seeger

Few figures in American history have lived as influential and deeply radical lives as he did

Vivek Chibber: Erik Olin Wright (1947–2019)

Erik Olin Wright was radicalized in the 1960s and remained a Marxist because his moral compass simply wouldn’t allow him to drift away. With his death, the Left has lost one of its most brilliant intellectuals

Peter Cole: A Tribute to Ron Dellums, Radical

Ron Dellums appreciated the struggle against racism is permanently joined with those against sexism, militarism, and capitalism

Ed Hedemann: In Memoriam: David McReynolds

The Gay Socialist Pacifist Who Twice Ran for President, Dies at 88

Patrick Bond: Africa’s pioneering Marxist political economist, Samir Amin (1931-2018)

Samir Amin’s celebrated life was amongst the most trying, but also rewarding, of his generation’s left intelligentsia

Vijay Prashad: Death of a Marxist

Egyptian economist Samir Amin observed the dangers of our world but also its possibilities

Ron Daniels: The Honorable Ronald V. Dellums

Some Reflections on the “Conscience of the Congress”

James L. VanHise: The Lonely Struggle: A Tribute To Gene Sharp

“If we take wise and responsible steps in the coming years, the future will reveal achievements beyond what we can now imagine”

Si Kahn: Paul Booth—Visionary Labor Leader

Paul left a profound mark on the world of organizing and activism in which he spent his working life

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