Category: History

Robert Fisk: If a US court acknowledges the Armenian genocide, the Government must follow suit

Incirlik is America’s forward air base in Turkey, take-off point for the US air battle against Isis. But in less than two months, a group of Armenians, all descendants of the 1915 genocide of one-and-a-half-million Christians massacred by Ottoman Turkey, will claim in a US court that the land on which America’s jets take off Read more…

Richard Falk: A Moral Revolution? Reflections on President Obama’s Visit to Hiroshima

The whole idea of impunity for the victors and capital punishment for the losers is morally regressive

Jim Hightower: Before we Bring Back Bill Clinton to Run the Economy, Let;s Remember What he Did

Hillary promises her husband will be put “in charge of revitalizing the economy.” Good grief!

Gar Alperovitz: Unjust Cause

Interview on the decision to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki

David Swanson: “Looking Forward” Comes to Hiroshima

Never mind an apology, Obama should admit the truth

Chip Berlet: US History Groomed the Insidious Lure of Trump’s Bigoted Right-Wing Populism

Helping organizers and strategists to understanding the lure of right-wing populism and how it bends people toward bigotry

Richard Falk: On (Not) Loving Henry Kissinger

It is indeed strange that the only point of public convergence between free-swinging Trump and war-mongering Clinton should be these ritual shows of deference to the most scandalous foreign policy figure of the past century

Steve Early: A Tale of Two Teamsters: Building a Community-Minded Union in Mid-Century St. Louis

A look at Fighting For Total Person Unionism: Harold Gibbons, Ernest Calloway, and Working Class Citizenship, by Bob Bussel

Juan Cole: London’s Muslim Mayor is nothing New

1300 yrs of Muslims who Ran Major European Cities

Ramzy Baroud: The Spirit of Nelson Mandela in Palestine: Is His Real Legacy Being Upheld?

I dreaded that rich, corrupt Palestinians in Ramallah are utilizing the image of Mandela to acquire badly-needed political capital

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