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The Moment

Kneeling during the national anthem has reentered the spotlight, and you can bet your students are talking about it. These articles can help you guide the discussion.

Discussing #TakeAKnee in Class

With the spotlight once again on the act of kneeling during the national anthem, students will bring this conversation to the classroom. Here’s how to guide that discussion.
Teaching Tolerance Staff
Photo by AP Photo/Adrian Kraus

Athletes, Protest and Patriotism

NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s refusal to stand for “The Star-Spangled Banner” has provoked a national conversation about athletes, protest and patriotism. Teaching for Change situates this protest in an important historical context.

‘Part-Time Indian’ and Colin Kaepernick

This TT Award winner will extend his usual coverage of the Sherman Alexie classic to address how dominant cultural narratives reinforce who is considered American—and who isn’t.

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Celebrating Freedom Means Celebrating Defiance

Given the controversy around kneeling during the national anthem, studying and discussing two landmark Supreme Court cases can provide students with examples of an oppressed group of people who defied authority and won.
Jeffrey Webb
Students participating in Mix It Up at Lunch Day

Mix It Up!

Mix It Up at Lunch Day is an international campaign that encourages students to identify, question and cross social boundaries. Register to participate any day of the year or join thousands of other schools on the national day, October 31 this year!

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