Last updated: September 26, 2017

Tuesday 26th September 2017

MRP way off the ball

MRP way off the ball

The MRP’s decision that Trent Cotchin had no case to answer is incomprehensible and, frankly, stupid.

Rage against the machine fees

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Given the banks were all cross-linked to each other’s machines, the ATM charge always looked like a cash grab for nothing.

A chastened Merkel soldiers on

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German voters delivered hard lessons for Angela Merkel as she sets about governing for a historic fourth term as Chancellor.

Time to extend marriage to all

Australia in China's Century Conference

We’ve built a nation based on fairness and acceptance. Let’s continue that noble cause.

Nation burns natural gas advantage

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We are squandering our energy advantage; if our politicians don’t improve their policies they surely will pay.

State’s dead hand enervates us

State’s dead hand enervates us

Light regulation, lower taxes and economic freedom win every time.

SBS reflects multicultural diversity


Criticism of SBS often comes from those unfamiliar with its offering and with no connection to its purpose.

Shorten’s climate climbdown

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Bill Shorten slowly backs away from another environmental target.

Blazing Saddles a dim memory

A woman stomps on a free speech sign after conservative commentator Milo Yiannopoulos spoke to a crowd of supporters on the University of California, Berkeley campus on September 24, 2017. Although a student group cancelled plans for Free Speech Week, Yiannopoulos was able to speak on campus surrounded by a heavy police presence.   / AFP PHOTO / Josh Edelson

Censorious students and online witch-hunts have joined religious dogma in challenging liberties won over centuries.

AGL and the gentailer problem

AGL and the gentailer problem

Neither the company’s commercial sweet spot nor its greenie pose will bring any benefit to consumers.

Tuesday 26th September 2017

Punish states that sit on reserves

Punish states that sit on reserves

For a country with plentiful supplies of gas, coal and uranium, it beggars belief that we have high electricity prices.

No choice left but extremes

No choice left but extremes

German voters were left with no choice but to go to extremes if they wanted to assert control of their borders and destiny.

Monday 25th September 2017

Paradox of popularity poll

Question Time

The Coalition’s problem is to work out how to use Turnbull’s preferred PM standing over Shorten to help lift the party vote.

ATM fees: the rainy-day PR win

ATM fees: the rainy-day PR win

With ATM charges, banks milked an easy rip-off for as long as they could. Soon they’ll have something better.

I’m ashamed of the Yes camp

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Why is it so hard to accept that it is legitimate for a Catholic or a Muslim to adhere to the values they preach?

Lessons from SSM campaigns

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Malcolm Turnbull’s promises of religious freedoms would be more reassuring if the government spelled out its intentions.

Coalition should look to NZ

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In his role as kingmaker following New Zealand’s election, Winston Peters has a clear responsibility to heed voters’ wishes.

Why school assessment matters

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Encouraging students to debate is good — provided their arguments are based on facts, not teachers’ ideologies.

Free speech under hostile attack

Free speech under hostile attack

PC populism is fostering a culture hostile to political dissent and the core principles of liberal democracy.

Media must give No case a chance

Media must give No case a chance

Australia’s media should be careful in the same-sex marriage debate or risk the humiliation of the US media when Trump was elected.

Kim, Trump enter sick dynamic

Kim, Trump enter sick dynamic

North Korea’s claim of ‘inevitable’ missiles strikes on the US sets a new standard for extreme statements.

Budget underspends cost lives

Budget underspends cost lives

It’s one of the oldest tricks in the political playbook — and the Turnbull government is turning it into an art form.

When will Australia hear this?




On Friday 17 March, 2017, thousands of trekkers will descend onto the stunning coastline of Sydney to raise money for The Fred Hollows Foundation for the seventh annual Sydney Coastrek.

Sydney Coastrek is one of the state’s most popular adventure challenges, with 900 teams of four trekkers (at least 50% female) walk the beautiful beaches, bays and clifftops of Sydney Harbour for 30 or 60 kilometers from Manly or Kirribilli to Bondi.

The event sold out within days this year and aims to raise $2.8 million for The Foundation to continue its fight to end avoidable blindness.

Since it began in Sydney in 2010, Coastrek has inspired more than 19,000 trekkers and raised more than $14m for The Foundation to restore sight for thousands of people who are needlessly blind.

The tragedy of deafness is that, like blindness, it is completely preventable.

Poor values put young at risk


A better appreciation of respect, empathy and consent can help protect younger people from increased image-based abuse.

Jacindamania a lot of hot air

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And Mark Latham is safe in his panic room as Yes campaigners go on the hunt.

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