Last updated: September 23, 2017

Fatal flu email ‘lost in mix-up’

7 Dead in Old Peoples Home Dead

A nursing home in Victoria was overlooked by Canberra because the state government noti­fied the wrong federal agency.

Give kids the gift of the jab


Kynan Meara-Fletcher is a typical seven-year-old boy: social and vivacious, but he succumbed within days to flu.

Flu deaths expected to rise

WEB NEWS flu spread map

Australia’s flu outbreak could last for 12 more weeks with experts warning the death toll will likely rise

Pregnant women warned on flu

Sarah Hawthorn (far right), 33, from Cobram, who is fighting for life in hospital after getting the flu.

Australia’s top doctor has warned pregnant women are at greater risk of deadly influenza.

Take a diet break to shed kilos

Young girl wearing jeans after losing weight and diets.

Australian researchers have found dieters who take a two weeks on, two weeks off approach lose more weight.

State to go alone on $1bn refit

oRAH update

Jay Weatherill has announced the state government is pulling out of a $1bn plan for the old Royal Adelaide Hospital site.

Ambo officers in drug scandal

Ambo Cameras

Ambulance officers have trafficked, stolen and misused potent and addictive prescription drugs, Victoria’s watchdog finds.

The delusion of ‘organic mums’

People hold a cardboard reading play on words regarding the 11 controversial mandatory vaccines during a protest against mandatory vaccination policies in front of the Health Ministry in Paris on September 9, 2017. / AFP PHOTO / JACQUES DEMARTHON

They think they are doing the right thing for their children, but they’re sending the West backwards, experts say.

Poor diet kills more than smoking

Diet. We are what we Eat poster. Attention Karina Grift.

One in five deaths around the world is now caused by bad diet, with obesity the fastest growing global risk.

‘Dear Dr’ letter can cut costs

Doctor Giving Male Patient Injection

A secret trial has cut urgent after-hours Medicare billing simply by sending carefully worded letters to GPs.

Colonial labour comes to life

Mistress of Her Profession. Yes

Giving birth during Australia’s colonial age — on land and at sea — was fraught with danger.

No jab, no childcare place

Hosptal's Critical Care Unit opening

Unvaccinated children will be banned from NSW childcare centres from January.

Flu too fast for vaccine

Susan Brown

The flu hit Australia harder than it should have because the most common strain appears to have mutated.

Private health exodus a bonanza

Minister for Health Greg Hunt and Minister for Industry Senator Arthur Sinodinos at a demonstration of the Rex Bionics Exoskeleton at Parliament House in Canberra, Monday, September 11, 2017. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

The private health insurance exodus is delivering more than $1 billion in unanticipated savings for the Turnbull government.

Disability groups cut care

Disabled senior women staying in care home

Disability service providers are shutting down because they cannot make a profit under NDIS prices.

Minister demands proton answers

PM With Mum. Darmo Will Brief

Greg Hunt has demanded the SA government provide an “acceptable” business case for a proton beam therapy unit.

Health concern over SSM debate

National Mental Health Commission Chair Prof. Allan Fels at the National Press Club in Canberra, Tuesday, July 25, 2017. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

Mental health professionals have voiced concerns over the detrimental impact the debate is having on the vulnerable.

Hopes rest on knees, hips

Minister for Health Greg Hunt and Minister for Industry Senator Arthur Sinodinos at a demonstration of the Rex Bionics Exoskeleton at Parliament House in Canberra, Monday, September 11, 2017. (AAP Image/Mick Tsikas) NO ARCHIVING

The Health Minister will try to reduce pressure on ­insurance premiums by cutting the cost of prostheses in the private sector.

‘Act to tame health premiums’


The heads of the country’s top health insurers agreed the time for reform was now.

Medical training needs remedy

Medical training needs remedy

Health workforce education and training must change to meet the demands of chronic illness and an ageing population.

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