Last updated: September 22, 2017

Dazzling digital blinds marketers

Dazzling digital blinds marketers
Be suspicious. That was my advice last week to a team of up-and-coming marketers.

Climate hysteria hits peak stupid

Climate hysteria hits peak stupid
Media climate hysteria has reached ‘peak stupid’ with this US hurricane season.

Rebel with a cause has downside

Rebel Wilson Wins Defamation Lawsuit Against Bauer Media
The Rebel Wilson damages award didn’t just break the record, it smashed it.

Public to fund wealthy left

Public to fund wealthy left
The Turnbull government proposes to subsidise Crikey and The Saturday Paper, both left-wing publications.

Law stops where algorithms begin

Facebook’s admission that shady Russians advertised to influence the US election shows how badly new laws are needed.

Law stops where algorithms begin

Facebook’s admission that shady Russians advertised to influence the US election shows how badly new laws are needed.

Red balloons make killer campaign

Red balloons make killer campaign
How do you promote a marketing campaign for Stephen King’s It without using images of the killer clown?

Media gullible on renewables

Media gullible on renewables
Nothing better illustrates the lack of public policy expertise in the media than the debacle over power prices.

‘Abbott made us a political joke’

‘Abbott made us a political joke’
According to Dr Anne Summers, Tony Abbott has the “Biggest Ego” ever. She should know, having once worked for Bob Hawke.

Fitting the left-wing agenda

Fitting the left-wing agenda
It is hard not to notice the lack of curiosity and journalistic scepticism among the left-wing media lately.

TV takes on the digital duopoly

TV takes on the digital duopoly
The battle brewing in advertising media next year will be between TV advertising and the digital duopoly.

Mad as Hell — but only at some

Mad as Hell — but only at some
Here’s a challenge. Will the ABC’s Mad as Hell mock the ‘No’ case by ridiculing a Muslim woman character?

Airbrushing history is vandalism

Airbrushing history is vandalism
We should be mature enough to understand and discuss the failings of our forebears, but we should not airbrush history.

Google ad numbers don’t add up

Google ad numbers don’t add up
Don’t be fooled by Google and Facebook’s protestations at last week’s Senate select committee.

Love Media have too much say

chris kenny dink for the oz
Journalists in the political debate tend to suffer from Stockholm syndrome — they are trapped by politicians.

Canon and sharia don’t mix

Canon and sharia don’t mix
Gillian Triggs ran a moral equivalence line between sharia law and canon law; Plus Lisa Wilkinson’s arm and Gary Sturgess’s return.

Just whose eyes are veiled?

Pauline Hanson (left) and Sarah Hanson-Young go head-t0-head on Sunrise.
So many normally composed people seem to drop their bundle at the hint of someone doing something even slightly irreverent of Islam.

‘Say no to no’ stifles debate

New columnist for The Australian, Mark Ritson
Most marketers have always swayed hard left, and their colleagues in advertising land even further.

Keating-era media laws outdated

Keating-era media laws outdated
Laws meant to guarantee diversity of “voices” are redundant as every news site on the planet is available online to all.

Forget fridges and bed falls

Forget fridges and bed falls
Q&A’s Tony Jones is yet to challenge the idea that domestic accidents kill more than terrorism. Are the show’s falling ratings related?

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